Chapter 13 | danger

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Alessandro and I have been here for a while now we had dinner and everything, we also talked and got to know each other better

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Alessandro and I have been here for a while now we had dinner and everything, we also talked and got to know each other better. I learned he had a twin named Asteria he told me that he would take me to meet her after we left.

"Angel come" he said to me while grabbing my hand and leading me to the middle of the room where people were dancing. "I don't know how to dance very well" I tell him and he jus told me to follow his lead so I did.

While we were dancing he looked at me with adoration and I wonder why. "Happy birthday angel" he says to me and leans down kissing my cheek. We were dancing for a while when we head a bunch of commotion people screaming and running out.

"Angel come quickly" Alessandro says to me while leading me out of the place as quickly as we could. Before we could get to his car a voice called out for him "Alessandro de Rey pleasure to finally meet you" the person says "Nico I've been meaning to talk to you" he says to the man standing in front of us.

"This your chica" the man I'm guessing Nico is said to Alessandro and Alessandro seemed to get really angry "that's none of your business" Alessandro replied to him but the guy in-front of us pulled out a gun and aimed it at me.

"Well if she isn't you wouldn't mind me killing her so we can have a private conversation" he said looking straight into my eyes is eyes were black dead and cold just like my fathers and that sent chills down my spine.

"I'm giving you the chance to leave Nico so take it now" Alessandro says to him but I didn't expect what happened next "your papa wouldn't like that now would he, also how's your mom" he said to Alessandro and with the last line Alessandro pulled out a gun of his own and aimed it at the guys head.

"Now now Alessandro let's be civil put the gun down" the guys said to Alessandro looking a bit scared making me giggle mentally "you brought this upon your self, you thought I wouldn't find out you were the one who ordered Kaiden to kill my mom" Alessandro said to them and and I gasped poor Alessandro I didn't know about his mother.

All of a sudden My ears rang all I heard was muffled yelling and bangs, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and when I looked down all I saw was blood then when I put my hand in my stomach and took it off my hand was completely covered in blood.

I look up meeting Alessandro's panicked eyes I see him yelling something out to someone but I can't hear him and when I finally collapsed he caught me before I could hit the ground. He was sitting on the ground now leaning against his car while he held my body in his arms.

"I shouldn't have gotten close, I'm so sorry angel" I hear him say why slightly rocking me in his arms "please stay with me Angel" he says to me while kissing my forehead repeatedly.

"Alessandro it's ok I'm not going anywhere" I tell him while slipping over my words and stuttering a bit. I'm starting to get sleepy now and my eyes are starting to close "angel keep your eyes open for me the ambulance is almost here" he says

"I can't I'm really tired" I tell him while slowly moving my hand to grab his and he did the one thing I never expected from him he cried "please please stay angel keep those gorgeous eyes open for me" he says while crying out but I couldn't him crying and yelling something out was the last thing I remember before being consumed by the darkness.

Do I finally get to be free from all the pain

Cliffhanger :))

Love is with you | on going حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن