Part 6

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(Next morning)

-video tape-

"Hey Kenma, Kenma look at the camera! Smile!" Kenma's mom says pointing the camera towards a small boy. "Kenma, can you say ballet! B-a-l-l-e-t."

"Bawey" the small child answers.

The mother chuckles and goes on camera, she put her and her sons foreheads against each other.

"Mommy loves you, you know that right." She whispers to him and he nods before kissing her forehead and giving the biggest smile.


-another tape-

"Kenma!" A woman yells as Kenma runs with the camera around an apartment. He laughs while hiding in a closet.

"Kenma... come out come out." The boy flips the camera to face his mother opening the closet making a shocked expression.

She tackles the boy who drops the camera. She tickles him until his laughter is all that resonates in the appartement. "Okay I surrender!" He lets out still laughing.


Kenma's POV :

I watch the tapes. Over and over and over again. I choke on my own sobs until I can't breathe.

Today. 3 years ago today. Why.

I curl up in a ball under the sheets, like a little kid hiding from a monster under the bed. Although this time that monster is grief.

Nobody's POV :

Akaashi goes into the studio and sees Miya at her front desk, rubbing her eyes.

"Aunt Miya, how are you doing?" He asks softly and the woman looks up at him.

"I'm good Keiji, thank you. Don't worry about me." She forces a smile to try and convince the lad that she's okay.

"Okay, if you need anything, I'll be upstairs okay." He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and puts on a warm smile. She nods and goes back to her work.

Akaashi runs up the stairs and enters the apartment with his spare key.

"Kenma?" He asks looking around. He goes up to kenma's room and knocks gently as to not accidentally startle the boy. "Kenma, can I come in." The boy doesn't respond but Akaashi goes in anyways.

"Kenma, are you okay?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bed and slightly lifting the sheet. He sees Kenma, crying under the sheets; next to him are video tapes and a photograph.

Akaashi sighs. "Kenma, have you eaten yet?" He asks and the boy shakes his head, not making eye contact. "You have to eat-"

"I'm not hungry." He cuts him off.

"Okay, that's fine." He shifts next to the boy, lies down, and wraps his arm around him as Kenma restarts sobbing.

"I miss her so much..." he lets out between sobs.

"I know... I know."


Kenma falls asleep while still in the comfort of Akaashi's arms. Akaashi gets up and starts boiling water to make Kenma some ramen when he gets a text.

Kuroo : Hi Akaashi, sorry to bother you.

Akaashi : Hey. No it's fine. What's up?

Kuroo : Is Kenma okay, he's been ignoring my texts and calls.

He probably turned his phone off, Akaashi thinks.

Akaashi : Yeah he's fine, I'm at his place right now. He's just having a hard time today.

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