Part 4

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"Kenma!" I hear my name called. "Kenma wake up!" Akaashi shakes me.

"Mmhm" I mumble as I shift in my bed.

"Kenma! Wake up! We got the festival!" He continues to shake me until I finally give in and sit up.

"Early." I rub my eyes tiredly. "I know but it's 2pm and we're meeting Kuroo and you don't want to be late." He grabs my arm and pulls me out of bed.

"Put this on and meet me outside!" He throws clothes at me and shuts the door.

I change into the clothes, put on my shoes, grab my phone and head out the door to see Akaashi standing like a mother ready to scold her child.

"Let's go!" We go to the bus stop and leave off to the meet up spot where I told Kuroo to meet us.

We stand there awkwardly, I fiddle with my fingers looking around nervously. "Hey, what you nervous for?" I look up to Akaashi giving me a soft look. "Its gonna be fun, dont stress." He whispers lightly, i take a deep breath and try to clam my nerves.

To be honest, I dont know why I'm nervous. I like hanging out with kuroo but whenever I do, I get this weird feeling. I cant describe it... but it feels amazing. And kuroo he-

"Kenma!" My thought gets interrupted by my name being shouted. "Kenma over here!" I turn my head to see kuroo running towards us with a tall boy next to him.

"Hi kuroo." I say as I see akaashi wide eyed standing next to me.

"This is my friend Bokuto." Kuroo gestures to the boy at his side. "Hi!" Bokuto lets out with a smile.

"Alright s-so we should go." Akaashi utters, eyes fixed on Bokuto. I smirk.

"Right lets go! Where is it?" Kuroo asks as we start walking. "Its down the next street." I show him which street I'm talking about.

Me and kuroo walk side by side, as Akaashi and Bokuto walk side by side behind us. We pull up to the festival.

There are banners everywhere, people having fun, dancing and singing; musicians, bouncy castles for the kids, food trucks.

"Wow, this is so cool!" Bokuto lets out amazed at the sight. "We come here every year. There's usually a theme and this year it's pop culture." Akaashi adds. "What was it last year again kenma?" He asks me.

"The 60's" I reply still looking around taking everything in.

We first grab something to eat because its almost 3 and I haven't eaten yet.

"You guys want Takoyaki?" Akaashi asks pointing to the food truck that sells it.

"Sure." Kuroo and I answer in unison. We share an awkward chuckle.

"Okay I'll be back." Akaashi heads towards the truck when Bokuto joins him. "Ill go to!"

We watch them go to get the food in a comfortable silence. We watch them strike up a conversation. We watch them laugh and smile. We end up smiling at the sight.

"I think we just did some match making." Kuroo says with a small laugh.

"Yup, how long do you think until they realize it themselves?" I add with a smirk.

"Wanna bet?"

"5 bucks says next week they're together."

"Oof that's soon."

"Yeah well, you don't know Akaashi like I do."

"But you don't know Bokuto at all."

"Fair, do you want to bet or not?" I finally look him in the eyes.

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