6. She missed him, of course

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Bianca woke up in an unfamiliar dark room. Scared, she reached for her silver dagger before deeply scanning her surroundings looking for a threat.

She took in the black obsidian desk with green emeralds and blue sapphires incrusted, the forest green sheets on the black bed, and the pure silver mirror that reflected the room before remembering that this was the room her father had especially prepared for her.

"Good morning, Bianca," Persephone greeted her as she made a plate of food appear in front of both of them.

Bianca limited herself to politely smiling, still intimidated by the woman who would have all the reason in the world to end her right there in then, like Hera sometimes did with her husband's children.

"Your father wanted to talk to you," Persephone said, breaking a rather awkward silence. "It's about training, I think." She waited a couple of moments for Bianca's answer, but continued when she got none. "I don't know what will he tell you, but please keep in mind that you don't have to agree, that you can refuse, and that as long as you're polite about it, he will do nothing to you. Just please, don't do something you'll regret."

Bianca didn't get exactly understand it all, but she nodded politely.

Just like Persephone had warned, it wasn't long until Hades approached her about training. Bianca paid Persephone's advice little mind in the presence of the god, but she would have probably agreed anyway. She didn't want to feel as powerless as she has back on the giant's control room.


Training started what Bianca thought was a couple days later. Time was hard to tell in he Underworld, as it was never day and always night, and Hades, Persephone, and the dead didn't sleep anyway. Bianca took to sleeping when she was tired and training the rest of the time, which probably wasn't the healthiest routine but she didn't really care.

Hades seemed like a whole different person when he was training her, but she was grateful for him anyways. He taught her how to control her powers almost effortlessly, and help her discover endless new ones she hadn't even imagined she could have.

Seeing her mother hadn't been bad, either, but she found that she enjoyed better the company of the living than that of the dead, so she started talking less and less to her. She didn't remember much from her life, anyway.

Bianca wasn't exactly happy, but she wasn't sad either, so that was okay. And, though she hated to admit it, not having to care for Nico was definitely a weight lifted off her shoulders. She missed him, of course, but she had also missed not being his mother.

Word count: 456
Welp its been forever so here u have another chapteer :)

also next one when i get a comment? Why not

Confession: i forgot about bianca's mom and wrote quite a lot of chapters that would be pretty different with her on the equation so i wrote this paragraph in here? Idk if it makes any sense buuuut

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