2. You... You said I'm alive?

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Disclaimer: none of the characters or settings in this chapter or following ones is mine unless specified otherwise


Bianca hadn't thought the dead would be able to feel their body, but they obviously could, since she was touching it. 

Charon looked straight at her with an expression she didn't fully understand, after all, she hadn't been around people for long. It's probably pity, she thought, for seeing someone die so young.

It didn't occur to her that Charon's expression might have been of wonder, for not only did she see her as a living human, but she recognised the demigod's scent. He would always recognise a child of his master, Hades. It had been very long since he had seen one of Hades' offspring, though that demigod Percy Jackson had been enough to show him that the Big Three had broken their pact.

"You can come aboard, demigod" Charont told Bianca. He would not ask for money from the daughter of Hades, nor would he argue with her about being alive. No, he would let her pass without a question. Maybe if she liked him Hades would increase his payment.

Bianca only noticed something was wrong once all the souls around her started changing.

"Uh... Mr Charon," she started, " why is everyone changing except for me?"

Charon looked at Bianca as if she had grown three heads. Well probably four, since he had to be used to seeing three on top of Cerberus' body. Bianca didn't know what had she done wrong, but she was scared he'd toss her onto the Styx.

"You are alive, so obviously you won't change," Charon said simply, before turning again to steer the boat.

What didn't faze Charont at all, left Bianca so shocked that she couldn't react at all to his words. Had he said that she was alive? That couldn't be. Why else would she be there? And how would she have managed to escape her certain fate? And why did he accept her on his rowboat if she wasn't dead? Bianca went through the events that night to see where things could have started being so extremely crazy, but she couldn't find any.

"You look surprised, demigod" Charon started, "what is the matter?"

"You... You said I'm alive?" a still shocked Bianca asked, "But then, why am I here?"

"You did not know you were alive?" Charon's low and raspy voice replied, "Do you not know about your father?"

Bianca shook her head, speechless. She was unclaimed, and she'd thought she would always be. She could guess that she had a small chance to know who her father was now that she was alive, but she could never have guessed she would be told so soon.

"Do you know who my father is?" she heard herself saying, "Can you tell me?"

"I... I know who your father is. I am not sure, though, that I am in a position to tell you" Charon said, and Bianca could detect a hint of a trembling in his voice.

Bianca was about to protest and demand to know when she saw a familiar object that made her breath catch. She reached for her green cap, the one she had been so fond of before she became a huntress. Actually, she was still really fond of it, but her friend and lieutenant Zöe had encouraged her to feel more confident about herself, starting by leaving behind her cap. How had it ended up there?

"The river takes all lost dreams from humans and demigods alike," Charon commented, not even turning to look at her, "It is possible that you might recognise some of them as yours"

Bianca put on her cap again after so long, not caring that it was slightly wet. 

Charon gasped behind her, "You got the cap from the river?"

Bianca simply shrugged, not fully realizing the true extent of what she had just done.

"Your father has to see you," Charon decided, docking the boat, "the dead can wait."

Word count: 650
So apparently this wont mean anything in the near future lol🤦🤦 i was just rereading the chapters ive written already and id forgotten about this completely... Idk maybe ill use it in the future? Now at least i know it happens heheh im deff gonna make a random things to remember chapter for this kind of thinggg
Posting again bc it was already written so why not

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