Chapter Four

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Nervously, Clarissa sat in her wheelchair and looked at her cell phone. Buck had texted her that he would be right there. Before handing over the phone, he had already typed in his number and written himself a message, so that he could now contact her whenever he wanted. Somehow this was quite fresch, but the young woman did not give anything on it. It was kind of nice. She hadn't been living in Los Angeles that long and, because of her work, hadn't really found many friends here yet. So she was quite happy to have made the acquaintance of her savior. Moreover, he was... Clary could not describe it. He was sweet and really helpful. Even though she didn't really know him yet, she felt comfortable with him.

"Hey!" The door to the room had opened and Evan stuck his head through it. "No knocking? You can't do that!" the redhead said sternly in response. "What if I had been naked right now?!" She looked at him angrily. Buck was momentarily overwhelmed. His hand went to the back of his neck. He was nervous. Briefly, the young woman's gaze slid down. His shirt had risen and again she caught a glimpse of his muscles. She grinned and looked at him. "I was just kidding. Can you take my clothes? I'm really glad to get out of here!" she said, pointing to a gym bag which was on her bed. A nurse had brought the young patient new clothes, since hers had been destroyed in the accident and the treatment. Since no member of Clarissa's family was there, no one had been able to bring anything from her apartment. "I want to go home to pick up my things and then finally go eat!" She grinned at him. He smiled. "Then I don't want to keep the defenseless woman waiting any longer!" He grabbed her bag and then stood behind her to wheel her out of the room.

The doctor had already stopped by and the discharge papers were signed. So the two were able to drive out of the hospital immediately and made their way to Evan Buckley's vehicle. A queasy feeling reached the girl. It was a car that had last claimed her to the hospital. She was slightly panicked to get back in it. "Are you all right?" the firefighter asked when he noticed the young woman had stiffened. She didn't answer him, but just started toward the truck. "Hey..." said Buck quietly, squatting down in front of her. His hands settled on her knees. He took her view of the transport and looked into her eyes. "Nothing will happen, please trust me!" Slowly Clarissa swallowed and then nodded. "Are you ready?" Again she nodded and so the young man got up again and wheeled her to his car. He opened the door and gently tossed the bag into the back of the seat before helping her sit down in the car without too much pain. His hands were on her hips, which gave Clary goose bumps.

Quickly the wheelchair was also put in the trunk and they could drive off. As it had been discussed in the morning, it led the two first to the apartment complex of the blonde. They parked outside the front door and Buck turned off the car. "Do you have your key ready or is it in your pocket?" he asked her, smiling at her. "Pocket! In the front!" she whispered. She was still in shock. The fear that there might be an accident with this car, too, had not yet subsided. A reaction Evan could well understand. He felt sorry for her. He would like to take her in his arms and hold her against him. He really had an interest in this young woman. She was so different and yet normal. There was something about her that could make him go crazy sometimes. He sighed softly and then turned to the back to look in the front of the bag for the key. Searched. Found.

He got out of his car and went to the passenger door. Since the young woman had no elevator in her complex, he would carry her up the floors to her apartment. "Ready?" he asked her, looking into her beautiful blue eyes again. She nodded slightly. Gently, Buck reached under her knees, above the rail, and placed a hand on her back. The keys to his car and the apartment had gone into his pocket. He lifted them out of the car and with his foot he flung the door to close. "You okay like this? If I hurt you, please let me know right away!" he said softly into her ear. "Everything's fine!" she replied and so they went up the first stairs to the main door of the complex. "I... ehm... the key is in my right pants pocket. Hold on tighter, please, then..." Clarissa, who had regained her composure since she was no longer in the car, shook her head and quickly reached into his pocket with her healed hand as far as she could reach and pulled out the small key. Now it was up to Evan to get a chicken skin. He gulped.

Working as a team, the two made for the doors and went up the floors to the fourth. Arriving at Clary's small apartment, the youngster set her down on her bed. "Do you want me to get the wheelchair? Then you can get your own things?" asked Buck in a gentlemanly manner. Quickly the girl shook her head. "If you don't mind taking everything out of me that I tell you to, that'll work just fine!" Clarissa was not a woman who was too quick to be ashamed of anything. Even if Buckley had to take her underwear out.... It was underwear, nothing that hadn't been seen on others. He gave her a curt nod and so the girl told him where to find what and that he should put those things in her suitcase in some quantity. As she watched Buck blush as he had to take her panties out of the drawer to put them in the suitcase, she could only grin. Somehow she couldn't figure out the young firefighter. He had a big mouth at most moments and then there was, but also this rather shy way about him. She liked it.

Half an hour later, Clarissa was back in the passenger chair, trying to get her breathing under control while Evan went to find the two small suitcases. Her hands were shaking. She was really scared. As she sat there like that, memories of the accident popped into her head. She hadn't thought about it at a single moment. The memories had not been with her, but now she remembered exactly that morning. The stress she had to make the wedding work. The organgenic lamp that she had still quickly run over. The impact, the collision, the light pole and everything went black. A tear ran down the young woman's cheek. Just as Buck had stowed the bags and joined her in the front, she sobbed loudly. The tears were running down her cheek faster now. Startled, Evan looked to her. "Hey, hey," he whispered softly, lifting her chin. Clary's eyes were red. When he looked at her, it overcame her and she really cried on it. Buck pulled her close and she sobbed loudly against his chest. Slowly he stroked her back and tried to soothe her. "Hey, it's going to be okay, you're safe, I'll watch where and how we drive and we'll be right at my house too, please don't cry!" he whispered in her ear. He closed his eyes and pressed his face into the crook of her neck while whispering soothing words to her. The redhead was very happy to have him by her side at that moment.It took quite a while, but then she had some control and the two were able to drive to Buck's apartment. Once there, the young man parked in his garage and quickly got out. He took the wheelchair, assembled it and helped Clarissa sit in it. He then took all her luggage and went ahead to the elevator while Clary slowly turned the wheels to move forward. The two rode it to the second floor and Buck opened the apartment door and the woman rolled in after him. "WOW" Her mouth dropped open. His apartment was really nice. "You like it?!" he asked with a laugh, gesturing for her to follow. He immediately wanted to show her her room, which, since he had the day off, he had already decorated a bit more secretly. "Yes!" she said and was astonished when she then saw the guest room. She knew she would feel right at home here. "If you want, you can look around a bit and freshen up! Are you sure you want to go to the restaurant? We could order something and get comfortable here too!" the boy offered her. Evan knew that maybe after her previous breakdown, it would be better if she didn't have to get in the car again. "Okay!" she said curtly, nodding and already driving around to look around. Buck laughed softly before briefly joining him in the room.

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