Chapter Three

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A few days had passed. Clarissa was still in the hospital, but today was the big day she had been longing for since she woke up. Today, in the late afternoon, the young woman would be allowed to leave the hospital. Her condition had improved so far. Well, she still had a cast on her leg and the splint on her hand because of the broken fingers had also been replaced by a cast. Her nose was still hurting, but they were confident that she could go home without any problems. If anything was wrong, she still had the doctor's number and could call him.

Evan Buckley had been stopping by the hospital every day since the young redhead woke up. He had taken a keen interest in the woman. She was sweet and personable. The two had gotten to know each other a bit now, and Buck even had to tell her about the accident. As he was, since her memories of that day had not yet returned. Clary thought it was weird at first that he was there when he didn't even know her. But on the day she was told that her co-worker had died due to his internal injuries, she had been more than happy to have Buck by her side. He had comforted her, held her while she flailed wildly and cried uncontrollably. Somehow, even at that moment, she had felt very comfortable with the young man. Strange, because he was almost still a stranger.

There was a knock at Clarissa's room door. She had been down from the ICU since the day before yesterday, sharing a room with an older gentleman. Marcus, the 82-year-old's name, had been hospitalized for a fall down the stairs. He was probably staggered by his dog Rex, which ran down the stairs and rolled straight down 20 steps. Marcus was a very sweet old gentleman. Clarissa would miss talking to him. The way he had talked about the old days had been just lovely. The redhead had really enjoyed listening to him and even found it slightly unfortunate that she would be leaving him today. But she had already made him a promise to come visit him soon. "Come in!" the young woman called and the door opened slowly. Somehow she was not surprised who she saw there. She had been expecting it. Evan Buckley. Slightly she smiled at him. She really kind of liked him. He was special in character, but she had already noticed that he had his heart in the right place. His behavior could only indicate that he probably didn't have an easy childhood and was just clueless and overwhelmed sometimes and didn't know better how to handle situations. "Hello!" said the young firefighter and entered.

In his hand he held a bouquet of flowers. Grinning slightly, Clary shook her head as he handed them to her. "You're stupid!" she said shaking her head, smiling at him though, taking the flowers and smelling them. The flowery spring smell pleased her. "Thank you," she said softly. Grinning, Buck looked at her and scratched the back of his neck. His shirt lifted as he did so, revealing some of his belly. The redhead immediately recognized some muscles and had to grin slightly. "To what do I owe the honor, my lord?" she asked, sitting up slightly higher so she wouldn't have to crane her neck to look at Evan. He joined her on the edge of the bed. "Aren't you allowed to visit a pretty woman you saved from a burning car anymore?" he asked, grinning at her. Briefly, Clarissa just shook her head. "Oh so pretty yeah?" she asked, raising an eyebrow with a grin. Evan blushed and scratched the back of his neck again. Briefly, the young woman laughed out loud.

"Do you know how you're going to do about going home yet?" asked Buck Clarissa after a while of silence. Good question. Clarissa had thought about that quite a few times. She had a teeny tiny problem. She had to be in a wheelchair, but she had her apartment on the fourth floor of an old apartment building and they didn't have an elevator there because basically only young people lived there. The girl had no family here. Besides, she had to crank up the work again. She was so mad at herself for messing up the wedding on the day of the accident. The bride and groom had also visited the redhead. They still had a nice day and had assured Clary that they weren't mad. When they had gotten the news, the two had tried everything themselves with their friends. It had not been the hassle-free dream wedding, but it had been a beautiful one. "To be honest, I don't know!" the girl answered quietly. "I won't be able to live at my place. We don't have an elevator and I don't have anyone who would be happy to take me up and down 4 floors when I want to." Quietly she laughed at the idea of Buck jumping immediately when she wanted to go somewhere. Buck, what was she thinking. Why Buck. She fell silent and pressed her lips together. "I guess I'll have to find a hotel!"

Clarissa shrugged and looked at her fingernails. "Let's see, I still have to wait for the doctor to give me the discharge papers to sign. I'll figure something out by then." Buck sat closer to the girl. "I might have one for you.... I... my sister moved out of my place and is living with her boyfriend now and I'd have a spare room. I know we don't know each other that well yet, but I have an elevator, I have enough room for someone to get around in a wheelchair and with me you even have a personal lifter. Whatever you want, I'll get it for you!" Get her? Clarissa had to grin at his last choice of words. The choice of riding. In the end, she became serious. She couldn't accept that. "Evan, that's very sweet of you, but I can't accept this offer, I don't think!" the casualty answered him, smiling sadly at him. "Why not?" Yes, why not? Maybe because she didn't really know him? He had saved her life, so she didn't want to get on his nerves any further. Which, apparently she didn't, or he wouldn't have shown up here at her hospital every day. "I... don't know... it's not a good idea... I don't want to be a burden to anyone and I have to..." Buck stopped the woman from speaking by putting a finger to her lips. "You're not a burden to me! I'd really appreciate it if I could helpd ir. As a firefighter, I have a very hard time seeing people suffer.... Dying is the worst... I know it should leave me cold. Once the uniform is off, I'm Evan Buckley and with the uniform I'm Firefighter Buckley, but.... please let me help you. It would really make me happy!" he said, looking deep into her blue eyes.Slowly Clarissa considered and then sighed. "Alright, I'd love to, but if it gets to be too much for you, you have to tell me right away, even if you don't like something I'm doing! Please, tell me right away yes!" Buck clapped his hands and grinned. "Great, that would make this problem less of an issue, oh and..." he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled something out. It was the young lady's cell phone. "What... How... The doctors had thought it was broken and left at the scene of the accident." She reached out her healed arm and grabbed her cell phone. The glass was slightly shattered, probably from the impact. "I had it and had forgotten to give it to you each time, though. When I had saved you, a lady had called and asked for you. Clary nodded, then smiled at Buck. "You... I... I have a precondition!" interested, the man looked to her and raised his eyebrows. "I'll come to your place if we go out to dinner tonight and I get to pay? I finally need something other than hospital food and, if I don't have to cook it myself, all the better!" She grinned at Buck and he gave her his word on it. "We'll do it! If you want, after you're discharged, we'll pick up some clothes and stuff at your place together first, then we'll go to my place and then go to the restaurant?" Quickly Clary nodded. Her head didn't let her feel that way anymore. On the one hand because her concussion was subsiding, on the other hand because of the medication she was still getting. "Then it's settled!" Clary smiled and was now even more looking forward to being released soon.

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