Chapter 12: "..wait What....?"

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Hola I wanna commit suicide.... Have a great day :D

Karl woke up with a start... How had he fallen asleep.. It had been raining and cold yet he still felt warm next to was relaxing.. The flowers weren't wilted.. Or soaked.. Nor were they dry.. It was like.. When you go out after a storm... And all the grass is wet.. The flowers look so vibrant and for a moment... You relax.. Praying to whatever God you believe in.. That hopefully.. That the world stays like this.. But it won't.. It never does, and that's good

He looked to alex, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he was still wearing the hoodie, but karl wasn't as cold, he noticed quackity had wrapped his hands around Karl's waist and pulled him closer,

It was like a hug, a nice warm hug, everyone loves hugs, its hard not to love them, it's pure emotion.. Jsut showing some.. You care about them

He shook quackity lightly not wanting him to wake up annoyed, "Hey... Alex... C'mon wake up..." karl looked up at the sky.. It looked beautiful on its baby blue shade, he didn't wanna stand up and disturb quackity, its not really like he could the entire garden was muddy, he would slip and fall if he even attempted it. (I have an obsession with this story please I can't stop)

Quackity opened his eyes and looked around, he seen karl examining the sky absent mindedly.. "hey... Are you not cold?.. Wheres your hoodie?, Karl snapped himself away from the sky to look at Alex," good morning! Nah I'm fine, also, your wearing it" he stared back at the sky, quackity looked down at what he was wearing, pulling it off as quickly as possible "im so sorry! i didnt realise I took it! I shouldnt have! I don't remember it!"

He tried to force it back into Karl's hands "hey! It's okay Alex, I have another one just like it, but its white and grey, keep it, it's cold out anyway," he took his hands away from the hoodie and went back to what looked like daydreaming at the sky..

"I.. You.. Wha.. Really your sure?" he sounded so confused "yeah mhm..." he wasn't paying attention but it didn't really matter no matter the question his answer would be yes "..and your definitely sure?.."...he paused looking worried "yeah, whatever it doesn't really matter to me"...

Quackity hesitated pulling the sweater back over his head.. "sorry.. It was an over reaction.. Schlatt got really angry when I took his clothes.. I guess im just used to it.." karl was back to looking at the sky.. It was like he seen something there.. Or he just zoned out looking at the colors.. They were... Beutiful.. And he knew Alex was trying to say something but he couldn't look away..

He felt his arm get grabbed.." wheres Sapnap? You don't have keys right?" Alex asked, tying the strings on the hood together making sure they wouldnt loosen, or un-even themselves.. He hated when the string weren't the same sizes, it infuriated infuriated him to a near aggresive point, it was painful

He snapped himself away from the sky hopefully for the last time "What..?.. No i dont have keys.. Nick just went to get groceries no way he should be taking this long.." karl started to get anxious.. "I'm sure it's fine karl, do you have the money..?" quackity let go of Karl's arm, "yeah it's right here..." he reached into his pocket pulling out ten $50 notes... "Wow all that for two people's groceries?".. Quackity stared at him confusedly "wha it's not.. OHHH... you haven't met Dream or George yet, we live with them, we all give $125 for groceries and whatever else we want, and one of us goes to get it.."

"..really..? $500 is still alot for groceries for four people... What do you get your water at the gucci store..?" he stared at him in that was you stare at people flexing their $2500 dollar shoes for tiktok clout "for your information I shop at L'Targay.." Alex started walking away.. No reaction, no response he just left.. "I refuse to believe you shop at L'Targay.. Spending $500 at L'Targay is like spending $100 at a fucking dollar tree. Very Difficult." he turned to the man now following behind him.

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