Chapter 8: "this Should Be Good"

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"alright sapnap, get out.... A few bowls, i can already tell we're gonna make mistakes" quackity looked at sapnap wearily, "I think we both have made enough mistakes for today.." sapnap wasn't looking quackity in the eyes, he turned around and opened a cupboard, "how many bowls do we need exactly?" sapnap looked uncomfortable, "I'd say about six.... Are you okay?" quackity looked worried for sapnap "... Yeah, i dont have the best reputation with fire and things like that.."

Quackity didn't answer, "how could he ?, he knew sapnap hurt alot of people when he was on dreams side" quackity thought to himself... "let's just keep cooking, there's no one here you can hurt.".. Quackity tried to look optimistic but failed... "yeah, yeah let's just keep going" sapnap got out the rest of the Ingredients, after alot of searching "can you put a pot on the stove, medium heat for now," quackity looked focused, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing "alright!," sapnap smiled at quackity,it was like quackity made him forget everything bad, "well first we need to add the milk, the pasta, add sugar, a bit of salt, and.. Uhhh... Cinnamon!" quackity was getting out the flatware. "this recipe is pretty simple, so we just leave it to cook for, thirty, maybe forty five minutes, we do have to stir it lots though."

"really? That's it?... Alright, should I sit down or do you need me?" sapnap looked confused, "I need that dick, but not for cooking, I just wanted someone to talk to... And, your the only one who knows where the ingredients are.." quackity was just standing over the stove stirring, "..hey quackity? Did you have a job before you Were...with schlatt" sapnap said it so awkwardly, it was strange, "actually yeah uhh, I did.. I was a... stripper.." quackity said the last bit very quietly, so sapnap couldn't hear him.

"Sorry what was that last bit?, I couldn't hear you"... "oh! I said... Uhh... stripper.." quackity looked awkward.. "quackity I'm not a superhero speak up please,"..sapnap looked confused "I said I was a stripper!" quackity looked really embaressed, his face was nearly as red as a tomato..but sapnap was smiling.. "really? That's awesome man... I mean i would pay..." sapnap laughed, "why is it so embarrassing for you man?, your hot as fuck, you got the best ass, the best eyes.. The best hair, the.... I should just shut up.."
Sapnap face was going red and he turned away from quackity.

There was silence.. Nothing.. Not a peep, for about ten minutes before quackity finally spoke.." do you.. Really think that?..." quackity was just stirring not looking at sapnap,"of course Q, your amazing... Still suprised your a fucking top,now I know how karl feels".. Sapnap smiled, "damn, really Sap, best ass? Your too kind, too kind," quackity winked at sapnap, "I swear to god if this is more horniness go to karl, I'm not letting you rail me in this kitchen, I like walking" sapnap was being sarcastic, "he would let quackity rail him anywhere, but he wanted to eat first" sapnap thought, "how long till the foods done, I'm starving for something other than dick and monster," it's another five minutes... That's enough time~." quackity said seductively," mmm, no, just let me eat please."

5 Minutes later (I'm lazy lol)

" alright the foods done.. Can you get karl, I don't think he's gonn-" quackity was inturrupted by the door being slammed open," what's that asking smell!?" karl said beaming as he burst in the room.."... Hi karl.. " quackity and sapnap said in unison, Karl's face fell when he seen it was quackity cooking,".. Oh. Hi quackity, what did you cook." karl asked coldly "oh just some sweet pasta.. You probably don't want any considering I made it?" quackity said slyly, karl walked over to the table and sat next to sapnap, "no... I do, this better be good pasta cause I'm taking it as an apology" karl looked angry.

Quackity was busy serving the food onto plates "hey Karl.. Are you.. Okay?" sapnap tried to smile but couldn't "I'm fine.. Just a bit pissed you went behind my back. And a bit horny but I'm not being railed by quackity until he apologises properly..." karl stared at quackity with a hatred "heyy! What about me? I could fuck you bb, lipbite uwu owo" sapnap laughed, karl looked at him and smiled but immediately straightened his face, "well quackity, wheres the food? I'm waiting?.","its coming, calm down.." quackity walked over carrying 3 plates, he handed one to karl and one to sapnap then sat down.. The room was silent as karl took the first bite, "................."
.. His mean face slowly dissolved into a smile, "this is super fucking good, try it i swear to god!" karl ate more as quick as he could.

"woah karl calm guessing this means you forgive me," said quackity taking a bite.. "woah quackity this is so good!!, where'd you learn to cook?!"everyone at the table was smiling," oh... I had to teach myself to cook for cheap at my.." he looked at karl.." other job, ".. Quackity smile faded," quackity.... I.. I forgive you.." karl rolled his eyes as quackity beamed at him," thank you Karl!! This is we can get to other things, " quackity winked at karl..

" please just wait till tommorow, tommorow I don't care, but im so tired already, you just railed me," karl looked at him with his eyebrows raised.. "yeah okay... But seeing as how you forgive me you should know, I used to be a stripper, just incase someone mentions it to you, please don't judge.." quackity looked at his feet, "why would I? You got the best ass-" sapnap inturrupted "THATS WHAT I'M SAYIN, BEST ASS."

I forgot I was writing this lol, anyway shiudl the next chapter be more wholesome or more, nsfw BTW I'm gonna be grounded for a week so the next chapter is delayed sorry :/

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