Chapter 9: "bites Lip, UwU"

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Everyone at the table smiled, they seemed like great friends, but everyone in that room earlier knew... They were a little more than that.

"I'm so flattered, best ass Twice?, your too kind!" quackity said grinning "I mean... We're not wrong, you can't deny it. Best ass," karl said loudly, sapnap nodded with approval still eating, ".. Hang on what time is it, I need to be home by 10," quackity looked at karl and waited for an answer.... "do you not have a phone?", "not on me its upstairs, I'm coming back tommorow I just wanna know." quackity sounded agitated, "what's that important that you gotta leave? And its...." karl checked his watch, "9:40, you should hurry if its that amazing"

"shit!, I gotta run, see you guys" quackity ran from the house leaving the two boys sitting at the table, when he had ran about a mile he slowed.. His run became a jog, and his jog became a walk, and eventually he was moving so slow it would take hours to get home..... "... Fuck... Im tired its at least three hours home... And I can barely walk... I really do not wanna come crawling back to sapnap... He'll probably make fun of me.. Why did I even leave?...i dont have anywhere to be.. I lied,. Well this is a bad situation. "

Quackity just sat on the hard cement.. Thinking about why he would lie...." was he embaressed?.. No they loved him.. Maybe he just-.. No that's stupid,, it looks like I have to go back and beg to sleep on their couch.... Godd. This is gonna be so embaressing," quackity groaned and stood up slowly, dreading the fact he would have to go back to sapnap and karl, tired as fuck. and beg to sleep on his couch.

Quackity started to walked painfully back to the place where just forty five minutes ago he had left like he was in a rush, muttering stuff like "..fuckin idiots.." and " fuckin stupid..."

It took him fifteen minutes of agonising worrying and walking he finally arrived at the house "goddamnitt, I guess I would knock, but I could- no too far, Schlatt? No... He wouldn't let me in,... Wilbur, well wilbur... I cant go back to wilbur I left him cause I was annoyed, I woudl feel horrible." Quackity paced around the lawn trying to find reasons not to knock on the door, but alas he couldn't find a single one...

Quackity knocked and the door and immediately started to worry.." what If they leave me?... What if they think I'm too clingy, they're gonna find out I was lying, then even food won-" the door opened and sapnap stood there looking confused "wh, why are you here?" snapmap looked confused and tired "... I kinda couldn't walk home.. So I came back here.... And I was hoping I could sleep on your couch..?" quackity looked like asking to sleep on a couch caused him physical pain "quackity you can't sleep on our couch.... There might be room in my bed though?" sapnap looked quackity in the eyes, dead faced, "I- wait- really? Cause I would much prefer to sleep in a bed to a couch."

"oh we wouldn't be sleeping~" sapnap said seductively "what? Playing some minecraft or something cause im down" quackity stared at sapnap confused, I mean what else can you do in a bed?, "no not, that whore, maybe later though~" sapnap had a lustful look in his eyes, quackity however looked confused and sleep deprived "netflix or something?, wouldnt mind catching up on 'the tale of Sally the salmon'? " quackity was so tired he seemed to have lost all capability of being sexual, "I was thinking something more... Active~" spampam was giving out all the hints we could "I'm not gonna fight you in.... Wait a minute... Are you, cause im down to fuck that ass," quackity looked at sapnap smiling.

"no, no, no. Your not gonna pull that shit on me again, your mine tonight, I mean you came back at the perfect time~" quackity looked flustered but answered anyway "oh yeah? And who said I was yours? Not like your strong enough," Quackity walked into the house but was immediately pinned to the wall "... Oh?, are you not? Guess I never knew, because I could swear every time we're together it usually ends up with you-" sapnap was inturrupted "STOP... I get it, I'm yours..." quackity began to pout, "awww~ are you upset?" sapnap leaned in closer to quackitys ear "well save your tears your going to be crying enough later anyway~" he released quackity who's face was glowing red.

"lets just get to bed." quackity tried to hide his redness and walked up the stairs "alright let's go hoe","im not a fucking hoe... well I'm not your fucking hoe" quackitys confidence seemed to build Back quickly "that's not what I remember cause I could swear you lost your virginity to me, I think it was behind the mc puffys? I found you a pathetic little whore fuckign yourself with-" sapnap couldn't seem to get a full sentence in with quackity around "alright fine you win, just shut up!" quackity opened the door to sapnap bedroom, it looked strangely clean.

But, he barely had time to look before he was pushed onto a bed, he flipped himself over and seen sapnap, "is this..? Can I?... Do I have consent I don't wanna make you do anything you don't want to," sapnap asked nervously (always ask for consent hoes unless you wanna be murdered ×-×🔫👈) "of course sapnap... As you said, I'm yours~" quackity despite claiming he was not a hoe. Was a giant hoe, "sapnap, just hurry up and fuck me already, we all know your gonna cum in like 30 seconds" quackity rolled his eyes

Sapnap began to strip so quackity did the same, sapnap looked at quackity laying on his bed, looking sexy as fuck, "I know i said nice ass, but, wow you really do have the best ass~" Sapnap began to kiss quackity, slowly descending his amazing body, sapnap repositioned himself so that his dick was in like with the other boys entrance, "ugh just hurry-" but before he could finish his sentence sapnap had started to thrust into quackity, starting slowly and trying to be gentle but slowly beginning to speed up "Ah~ Ah~ sapnap faster~" quackity moaned "is that what you want whore~?" quackitys mostly naked body was covered in sweat and tears, sapnap was starting to speed up with each thrust going deeper into quackitys asshole,

"AhhHhhHhmmm~" quackity came the thick white liquid pooling on his stomach, his back arched but sapnap continued to fuck quackity with all his energy, "wow slut, making fun of me for being too quick when you can barely last five minutes? ... I thought you used to be a stripper...thats absolutely pathetic," sapnap whispered in quackitys ear,
He was beginning to slow down when sapnap came too, his cock still inside of quackitys ass, he removed his member from quackitys perfect body and looked down tiredly at what he ahd been able to cause, quackity was Panting, covered in sweat and tears cum on his stomach and overflowing from his ass, sapnap got up, "God he was tired but he needed to get dressed.... Or.. Nah its probably fine I mean it's not like quackitys going anywhere" sapnap got back into bed next to quackity and whispered one thing in his ear right before he fell asleep from pure exhaustion.. "I love you, whore..."

Hope you enjoyed this one took so much laughing at myself but uhh idk sorry to the person who requested I add a threesome with karl after sapnap rails quackity I am very tired and this chapters pretty long I might do that in another few chapters, have a great day/night

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