Call it Even

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~Apollo's Point~

I pulled the carriage to a stop when I saw a house that fit the description the coachman gave me. Luckily we get there fast because everyone moved out of the way when they saw me driving the carriage. Frank and Will came out as I stopped and I got down and walked over to Frank.

"This the house?" I asked

"Yeah" he said. Will walked up and knocked on the door but there was no answer. He looked back at me and Frank as we walked up with a worried look on his face


"Get the door open!" I get yelled and Will slammed the door open and ran in

"WILL!" I yelled running as fast as I could into the house not sure how unsafe it was. The first thing I saw when I ran in was a dog softly whimpering on the floor with a bad stab on it's back leg.

"Frank!" I said pointing to the dog then I looking around for my son and saw him frozen looking into a room. I ran to him and grabbed him by the shoulders and looked him over. He had his hands over his mouth and he was starting to cry

"Will! Are you okay?" I asked thinking he was hurt but then I heard someone crying and looked behind me. I saw a woman on the ground staring at her hand with shock and in front of her further into the room was a dark skinned girl covering her face and muttering no over and over again looking down at an olive skinned boy holding a pale girl with a dagger in her gut.

"B, B please don't leave me!" He cried while holding her hand. I could tell that he was in great physical pain but he didn't seem to care. I grabbed Will's hand and walked into the room

"You really d-do look like P-Papa. He-He Would be s-so p-proud of y-you" the girl said

"And you look like Mama." The olive skinned boy said before speaking in Italian

"per favore, ho bisogno che tu stia con me. Non posso perdere anche te" He said

I let go of Will and Kelt down next to the pale girl

"P-Per favore a-aiutala" the olive skinned boy said between sobs looking up at me. I didn't understand Italian but I knew from the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes what he wanted.

"Will, I need you to slowly pull the dagger out" I said and Will nodded then kelt next to me.

"I need you to lay her down so that she's flat on the ground" I told the olive skinned boy and he nodded and slowly laid her down but kept and hold of her hand. I nodded to Will and he grabbed the dagger and slowly pulled it out while I held the woman down so she didn't move to much.

"Shh, solo respiro. stai bene, andrà tutto bene" The olive skinned boy said when she screamed. The moment the dagger was removed completely I put my hands over her stab wound and began to hum. Then Will placed his hands over mine and hummed with me. We removed our hands and the girl slowly closed her eyes

"B!" The olive skinned boy yelled

"It's okay, she just needs rest" Will said as he pointed to the falling and raising of her chest

"See, she's still breathing" He said with a smile and the olive boy reached his hand up to Will's cheek as if only just realizing he was there he then pulled him to him and locked his lips on his. I may or may not have smiled when I saw my boy kiss back. They pulled away after a few seconds.

"Grazie" the olive skinned boy said before laughing a little at himself and shaking his head.

"Thank you" He said this time in English.

Just then 4 guards came running in.

"You two, Take her away" I said to two of the guards pointing to the woman in the archway.

"And you two, help get this girl into a carriage" I said to the other two. The guards did as I said and the moment both the woman were gone the olive skinned boy collapsed to the ground

"Nico!" The dark skinned girl yelled
As he placed a hand on his back and screamed in pain.

"I need to see your back" I said urgently

"Don't!" He yelled in fear but I had already ripped the back of his shirt. All over his back were lash mark that only looked a day or two old and right below his shoulder blades was a giant bruise.

"What happened?" Will asked

"I fell down the stairs" Nico said

I placed my hand over his bruise and he screamed

"You have slipped spinal discs. You shouldn't have been leaning over like you were" I said

"Whoops" He said the screamed again as I moved my hand slightly. I focused in on his back and hummed. Will tried to help but I held him back. I finished after a few minutes

"Why didn't you let me help?" Will asked

"Because helping to heal the girl drained to much out of you" I said

"I owe you a lot Your Majesty" Nico said

"Just marry my son and we'll call it even" I said

"Dad!" Will yelled blushing

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