A Dream is a wish your heart makes

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~Nico's point~

I sat on a couch drinking a warm drink the fireplace blazing with life and warmth as Bianca read a story from a book and Hazel laid down next to me her head in my lap at our feet on the floor our dog Mrs. O'Leary lay sleeping. I'm happy, I'm free of my stepmother I'm....being pulled out of my dream by a cat clawing at me.
I sat up as fast as I could and the cat fell off the bed and hissed at me.
"That's what you get for waking me up like that" I said looking at the cat.
I sighed
"That was such a good dream, what can't that be real?" The cat mewed at me
"I'm not telling you what I dreamed not after you woke me up like that besides what's that saying? If you tell a wish it will not come true and it's my biggest wish"

A dream is a wish Your heart makes When you're fast asleep In dreams, you will Iose your heartaches Whatever you wish for You keep Have faith in your dreams And someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing The dream that you wish Will come true

A clock went off and I groaned inwardly

"yeas I hear you!" I yelled at the clock knowing full well why it was going off

"Get up and get me breakfast! Wash my clothes! Scrub the floors! Feed the animals!" I said mocking my stepmothers voice

"Someday" I told myself

The dreams that I wish Will come true

I get out of bed and made it then I went over and grabbed my clothes and a blow of water with a sponge. My stepmother may have hated my sisters helping me and in some way I did to because I didn't want her to hurt them because they did but at the same time if feeled good that they still made sure I had clean water every morning to wash off with since I wasn't allowed to use the tub. I washed in very cold water and got dressed then after making sure the cat followed me out I closed the door and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and made food for the cat and set it down for him

"Your highness" I did a bow. I may have been joking but the cat seemed to think I was serious and gave me a look that said yes I know I'm amazing.

I then made food for Mrs. O'Leary and called for her but she did respond. I walked to the backdoor and saw her twitching in her sleep. I placed the food down next to her and her nose twitched  before her eyes shot open and she got up to eat. I petted her on her head.

"Dreaming about chasing the cat away again? Looks like we both had good dreams" I said before going out the backdoor to feed the rest of the animals and collecting eggs for breakfast. When I was done I walked back inside grabbed 3 plates (yes only 3) and started cooking. First thing I did was got out the ingredients for bread and mixed it all together then I got a damp cloth and placed it over the bowl and left it to raise. Then I got a pot out and made hot chocolate when that was done I placed a lid on to keep it warm and I moved it off the stove, I then went back over to the bread dough and after kneading it again I made it into rolls and placed them in the oven. while I wait for the bread I cook eggs and bacon. I checked the bread as I finished the last egg and it looked then so I pulled it out and placed it somewhere to cool. I then grabbed a large platter and placed the 3 plates on it then I grabbed 3 cups and filled them with the hot chocolate and placed the on the side of each plate. I gave each plate 2 eggs and 4 pieces of bacon then I took 3 roll broke them open and placed then on the plate the I put a small slice of butter in the middle of each of them. I looked down at the food, it looked and smell so good but I knew I wasn't going to be aloud any of it. I grabbed the platter and walked out the kitchen.

"Nico!" I heard Bianca yell and I smiled knowing she was just doing it as an act

"I'm coming!" I yelled back acting annoyed

"Nico!" Hazel yelled when I was halfway up the stairs

"Hold on I'm coming!" I let a small chuckle escape but quickly remembered what would happen if Persephone heard me.

I knocked and opened the door to Bianca's room and walked in.

"Good morning Bianca" I said placing the platter down and grabbing a plate off it.

"Like you even care!" She yelled at me but when I placed the plate down on her night stand she gave me a hug

"You doing ok?" She whispered in me ear

I gave her a quick hug back
"I'm doing ok" I said pulling away.

"Good" she said her hand on my cheek then she picked her act back up and yelled

"Take my dress and iron it!" She gave me her dress

"Yes Bianca" I said and mockingly bowed

I picked up the platter and opened the door.

"I want it back in one hour you hear me!" She yelled as I walked out.

"Yeah, Yeah" I said closeing the door behind me then I walked down to Hazel's room and knocked then walked in.

"Good morning Hazel" I said again setting the platter down and grabbing a plate then walking over to her.

"About time Nico!" She yelled as I placed her food down. She then patted the bed. I sat down on the edge next to her.

"I can't stay to long" I whispered

"I know" she whispered back pulling me into hug

"You need to clean me room, it's a mess!" She yelled at me as she pulled away then she wink and her face dropped
"Good luck" she whispered looking at her door. I nodded and head out with the platter then walked to my stepmothers room and knocked.

"Come in" she said and I opened the door and slowly walked in but as I did her cat ran in and almost made me drop the platter but lucky I steady it just in time.

"Good morning Stepmother" I said walking over to her and handing her her plate then I put the platter under my arm.

"Pick up my laundry then get out and do your chores" she said as she took the plate.

"Yes Stepmother" I said bowing then going and picking on her laundry. I walked to the door and opened it but before I could leave she stopped me

"Nico!" She yelled

"Yes Stepmother?" I asked turning around

"You can put the laundry down for now, Close the door and get over here"
This isn't good I thought but I did as she said and put the laundry down and closed the door. As I went to walk over I saw her cat eating a piece of bacon and fear washed over me.

"Why do I only have 3 pieces of bacon? You ate one didn't you?!" She spat at me

"No, I swear I didn't the cat-"

"Oh so your going to blame my cat are you!" She cut me off

"No really if you just look-"

"Silence!" She yelled cutting me off again

"But I..." I started to say but stopped when she placed her food down on her nightstand then reach for the drawer.

"Please I-I didn't take it" I begged tears in my eyes. She pulled out a small whip and got out of bed

"The more you lie, the more lashings you get" said said as she stood up.

"Now hand out and palms up" she spat. And I slowly raised my shaking hands and yelped as she brought the whip down.

I'm sorry, I almost cried writing the end but it's part of the story

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