Making the suit

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~Nico's point~

I surprised myself when I finished every chore I had been given in 2 hours which left me 5 hours to find something to wear to the ball. I walked up to the attic and into my room then I went into my closet and tried to fine something anything that would work but there wasn't anything all I had was my nightwear and two changes of clothes.
I sat down on my bed dejected, my one chance to get out of the house and be somewhere I could be happy with my sisters even if only for a little. I heard a carriage drive off then after a few minutes I heard Hazel yell

"Nico hurry!" I didn't know what she meant but there was a slight panic to her voice so I ran down the stairs two at a time and ran straight to her room.
Hazel smiled at me as I walked in. She didn't look hurt or anything so I wondered why she had yelled for me. I was about to asked when she began to talk.

"Persephone went out to buy us dresses!" She yelled excitedly

"That's-That's great" I said trying to sound enthusiastic but it didn't work

"If she's buying you dresses why did she leave you here?"

"Oh mother, I want to go but, OH NO I don't have how I want to style my hair or do my makeup, OH NO I also have to bathe I'm just soooooo scared I won't have time to get ready if I go with you" she said over dramatically then did a ta da smile at the end and spread her arms out. I looked at her slightly confused and just then Bianca walked with something draped across her arm.

"As good you came down, we'll have to have you try it on so we can see what needs to be changed" she said walking over to us.

"What are you-" I stop mid sentence when I saw Bianca hold a suit out for me and not just any suit, it was the suit Hades wore at his first wedding, it was my father's suit.

"Papa's suit" I said gingerly grabbing it as tears formed in my eyes

"It was in his old room, I know he would want you to have it" Bianca said then she gently placed her and on my check

"And Nico?"

"Yeah?" I choked trying to hold back my tears

"He would be so proud of you" she said and I broke into sobs. Bianca pulled me into a hug and Hazel stood up and joined the hug. They pulled away and wiped my tear

"Now hurry and get changed" Hazel said as her and Bianca
pushed me into the closet. When I came out I was tripping over the pants and the suit hung a little to lose on me

"While Papa was taller then you" Bianca said

"And not quite as thin" Hazel added and they both busted out laughing.

"You actually look cu...cute in that" Hazel said in between laughs

"" Bianca add

"Hey running out of time remember"

"Rig...Right" Bianca said wiping a tear away. They made the needed adjustments accidentally pricking me with a pin every now and again then they had me carefully change and we put the suit on mannequin.

"You really deserve this one break" Bianca said

"She's always making you do everything" Hazel said then she started singing

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