The Ball

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~Nico's point~

The Carriage pulled to a stop at the palace and the footman opened the door. I sat there for a moment terrified.
What if this was all a dream? What if it wasn't and Persephone noticed me the moment I walked in? What would she do if she know I was here? I shook my head and took a deep breath clearing my head. I got this. I got up and stepped out of the carriage. I took another deep breath and walked up the stairs to the castle.

I walked through the front doors and into the castle. The place was absolutely amazing. I skipped over the ball room and walked to the balcony just outside it and looked over the railing. The world looked so much larger from here. I continued to walk and admire the castle glad to have a night away from the troubles of my life. I saw My Fairy Godmother walking towards me only now she wore a white and gold top and red pants.

"This place is so amazing! Thank you so much for letting me come here!" I said as I walked up to her.

"Oh...ah...N-No problem" came a man's voice as he rubbed the back of his neck.
I froze suddenly realizing this was not My Fairy Godmother. It was the man that I saw her as. I looked away feeling suddenly shy.

"Would-Would you like to dance?" The man asked

I looked up and saw he had his hand held out for me to grab. I nodded not being able to find me voice. He smiled brighter then the sun when I grabbed his hand.

I softly began to hum and sing under my breath as we danced

Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm. So this is love, mm-mm-mm-mm. So this is love, then this is what makes love divine. I'm all aglow, mm-mm-mm-mm. And now I know.

And now I know. The man added and I found smiling

The key to all heaven is mine. We sang together

My heart has wings, mm-mm-mm-mm. And I can fly. I sang

I'll touch every star in the heavens, then this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of. We sang together as we walked through a garden and over a bridge. I leaded my head on his shoulder as we looked down at the water.

Mm-mm-mm. I hummed

Mm-mm-mm. He hummed
He then moved so I wasn't leading on his anymore and he placed a hand under my chin

Then this is looooove!!!! We sang drawing out love.

The man slowly leaned down to kiss me. I closed my eyes not believing what was happening. Then I heard the clock chime.

"Oh! Oh no, oh gods!" I said in a panic pulling away from him

"What's wrong?" He asked confused and slightly hurt looking

"It's midnight." I said looking at the large clock.

"Yes, it is, but-"

"Goodbye" I said turning to leave but he grabbed my arm.

"Wait. Don't go, It's only-"

"Please, I have to go." I said

"But why?" He said slowly letting go

" haven't met the Prince yet."

"The Prince? But-" he started to say before the clock chimed again

"I'm sorry, Goodbye" I said running away

"Wait. Please! I don't even know your name!" He hollered after me but I kept running.

I ran through that castle and saw a man leaning against a wall. He looked at me as I ran past so I waved

"Bye!" I yelled as I ran past him.

"Goodbye- wait! Where are you going?" The man yelled.

"Wait!" The man I was dancing with yelled. I looked back for a moment and saw girls swarm around him.
Well I won't have to worry about him following me. I thought as I continued to run. I ran out the castle and started to run down the stairs but as I ran one of my shoes fell off. I looked back and saw the man who was leaning against the wall running after me. I also realized that he was the same man who had delivered the letter earlier today.

"What did I do to provoke the messenger of the king?" I muttered before turning away and running down the stairs bot worrying about the shoe anymore.

"My Lady! Sir!" He yelled in confusion as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I was glad my Fairy Godmother's little spell was working. My carriage pulled to the front of the castle and stopped.

"Wait! Guards! Stop that carriage!" The man yelled as I quickly got in and shut the door.
As we rode off I heard the 3rd chime and the carriage began to shrink.

"Merda!" I swore as the carriage started to turn orange. I knew I was running out of time and that I was out of other options so I focused everything I had one the carriage and everyone touching it. Shadows began to cover the carriage

"STOP THE CARRIAGE!" I yelled just before the Shadows carried us away. A moment later we were back home and I had just enough time to get out of the carriage before it turned back into a pumpkin. And everything she had turned was back the why it was.

"I guess I lost track of time" I said to myself.

I walked into the house and heard the sound of glass against the hardwood.
I looked down and gasped as tears formed in my eyes. I still had a glass shoe on one foot but that wasn't what made me tear up. As I looked at my arms and legs I remembered what my Fairy Godmother had said.

"Everything will go back to how it was before you left your room" She had said and as I looked over my father's suit there wasn't a scratch on it.

"Thank you" I said looking up and I swear I saw a little bit of pink glitter fall but it was gone as soon as it was there.
I walked up the many stairs to my bedroom and after changing and carefully putting my suit away I crawled into my bed.

"He was so handsome" I said smiling.

"I doubt the prince was even as handsome as him" I said then shook my head.

"Well it was a nice night but I'm never going to see him again" I said to myself before falling asleep.

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