Part 10

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All four landed on Degea's flyer, a capsule that could be landed and launched once.

They wore protective suits just in case they couldn't breathe the air or if the atmosphere was too thin or too thick. Stelvio came out first and took off her protective helmet immediately. At that moment, everyone thought she was really crazy. Reyes was the first to react: "Noah! Don't!" Noah was already taking a deep breath of fresh air. ˝AHHHHH, wonderful air. A wonderful day," she commented. Suddenly she began to choke. Of course, it was pure acting just to scare her colleagues. To scare Reyes. She jumped up next to her and tried to put on her helmet, but when she heard Noah's giggle she was very angry. "I hate you, Stelvio. You're such a piece of shit," she mumbled to her, but was relieved. Stelvio was doing a total disharmony to her body.

They landed on the shore. On one side was a vast expanse of ocean, and on the other was a dense forest. The ground was sandy, moist just like the air, and the sun was shining brightly. They headed into the woods taking off their protective suits, wasting no seconds with that. Grim said that it would be okay to be careful with bugs because they could bite them. They also had to be careful because they could be attacked by something. Just in case, they took their weapons with them. Stelvio had a gun and two knives, as did the others. As they walked through the woods it got warmer. Reyes was very angry at Noah and walked behind everyone, she was last in the column. "Grim? Can you analyze some of the plants? I'm really interested." Stelvio asked. They analyzed the plants they came across, but also small reptiles and amphibians. To Grim and Noah, this was pure fun. They were very excited, and they enjoyed this moment. Arma didn't look nearly like this. True, they could live on the Army, but there was very little life there, just deserted paths and sore horizons. The captain didn't want to admit that Stelvio was right. He forged a plan on how to take revenge.

For a long period of time they walked through a distinctly green and dense forest. The soil was brown, moist and soft and had a specific odor. The air was much cleaner than on Arma, and they liked that cleanliness, but also the freshness. Any one of them could tell that this was really paradise. So much greenery and plants of all sizes and shapes were astonishing. The scene was so beautiful.

Morgan could have enjoyed it too if she hadn't been so angry at Noah. Anger replaced the euphoria of finding a paradise like this. She wasn't angry just because she pretended to choke, but she was angry that Morgan no longer had her attention. The moment they landed this green nature took away Noah from her. Stelvio was overwhelmed by the new environment just like Grim. The two of them were like two best friends even though they only spoke three words on board. That was another thing that annoyed her. She didn't want to be jealous and possessive, but she knew she felt that way right now.

Noah on the other hand was sad she didn't share the same joy with Morgan. It was with her that she wanted to comment on new life forms, plants, and everything they had found so far. So, when they were taking a break, she came to Morgan with a big smile on her face. The engineer was cold and looked back on the ground. She was sitting on a rock by the stream, fiddling with something in her hand. ˝Hey. Are you okay?" That was the tone of Noah's voice she wanted to hear so badly. "Yes, I'm fine. Why don't you go have fun with Grim? I bet you'll find more interesting things," she snapped. Noah rolled her eyes. "So that's what this is about." She sat down next to her and tried to put her hand on hers, but Morgan recoiled with great difficulty because she was still mad. Noah wanted to make physical contact again, but Morgan backed away.

"Why did you kiss me?" Noah was direct. Morgan looked her in the eye. The light gave Noah's eyes an even more beautiful shade of blue. They held their gaze. "It was a mistake." Morgan said it, but she immediately regretted it. "Oh really?" The lieutenant was a little hurt, but she knew which card Reyes was playing, a card called I'm really fucking confused. "I'll tell you this. Personally, I don't think it was a mistake, but if you can't find out what's going on in your head, I'm not going to bite." Noah got up and walked over to Grim, who was fidgeting with happiness like a little child rolling dice. He played with the scanning device and found another interesting organism. Morgan sat motionless as she stared at Noah's scalp, thinking in her head, "She's something else."

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