Part 8

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After a month...

It was fun on the deck. Although they had a lot of information to process, they cracked jokes and laughed at each other all the time. It was as if they were consuming some kind of drug. Noah's eyes were in tears when Reyes recounted how she once fell under a desk in the lab when the professor uttered the word exam, when in fact she fell because of a colleague who was spreading his legs. "I look at her stupid face for a second, and the other I'm under the table and imagine! I got punished!" she said in disbelief. Now it was Noah's turn to tell mischief. "I remember one day, I hadn't even gone to school yet, my grandfather took me to work and his colleague always said something to him. He used to be very rude at times. Grandpa was a pretty calm man, but I could see that he was boiling inside. That's why little Noah decided to do something bad." Reyes couldn't wait to hear the bad idea, she followed Stelvio with interest. "That colleague was one of the privileged, an assistant to the president," she said. "Wasn't that perhaps Professor Logan Carter?" Morgan remembered.

"Oh yeah, that's him," Morgan chuckled. "I'm just curious what you did." "The first time was when he stopped at grandfather's for coffee. I built catapults and shot him with ear sticks. I've never had so much fun in my life." They both laughed. "And the second time I hacked his laptop in his class. The whole classroom was filled with his half-naked pictures." The engineer laughed so hard she couldn't breathe. "He knew it was me, he even had a conversation with my grandfather and the principals. But he had no evidence and everyone thought he was talking bullshit." Reyes shook her head, laughing. "You are so bad. ˝

˝And how did you manage to pass his class after that?" she asked. "I passed it really easy, he didn't want to deal with me anymore. He wanted to get rid of me." "Well, that's one of his smarter decisions," Morgan added, still laughing.

It took them another hour or so. They talked about their lives on Arma. Not only about the little things, but also about the more serious ones. It brought them closer and closer. Noah, though she didn't want to admit it, was missing a piece in her life. After her grandfather, she couldn't confide in anyone anymore, she didn't talk to anyone about these things, and now there's Morgan listening to her and admiring her. Morgan was very good company.

In addition to fun and jokes, they worked hard and tried to observe every piece of information they had and find use from it. More and more they believed that the planet was habitable and even had intelligent species on it. This was shown by artificial lights that represented a small white dot on the planet. However, nothing was certain.

There were also difficult moments. Although Noah didn't show it that much, she had a hard time dealing with grief. Morgan realized this when she treated her coldly. She knew how to warn her, they even quarreled, but Morgan knew exactly how she could calm her down. Simply, Morgan had that power over her. Many times, Noah apologized for her outbursts because she had no one else to vent her anger to. Morgan wasn't angry because of that, but found herself doing the same. They were there for each other and formed a perfect harmony.

Although they trained on several occasions, each in her own time, it used to happen that sometimes they went together, such as now. Whenever she had the chance, Reyes made fun of the lieutenant, and Noah, who saw that it amused her, didn't want her to stop because Morgan was really happy. She just smiled at her. Noah once told her that it was easier for her to understand the dashboard on a ship than people, and Reyes told her that she didn't understand people because people don't come with work instructions. "I bet you're even looking at vibrator instructions!" She burst out laughing. Noah had to smile because Reyes was screaming with laughter, shedding tears. "I never needed it," she said, smiling devilishly. "Wow, that's interesting." They stared at each other with a mischievous expression on their faces. "You are not interested in my sex life," Noah said smiling. ˝Oh, yes I am," Morgan replied. They kept looking at each other. At that moment strong tension could be felt.

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