Chapter One Hundred and Eleven

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"I cannot believe there was a concrete pavement, and we walked on the sand together with Roger, whose legs were bad earlier."

Sharlene mused while enjoying the thrilling car ride with Nick. She was also no longer feeling cold. That was because he had turned on the heater the moment they entered the car, and now, she was feeling warm and cozy.

"I only saw it after the woman had taken Roger and Dorothy away."

Nick said while swerving the car in the last corner before arriving in Sharlene's neighborhood. As the houses came into view, his heart tightened with the thought of returning home without her. Tonight was astounding and created a deeper bond between them, but it was not enough.

He did not want the night to end, but alas, where there was a beginning, there was an end.

'I will make our other moments last longer.'

He thought with a promise.

"And we've arrived."

He murmured after stopping and parking the vehicle a short distance away from the open garage.

"Yes, we are."

Sharlene was not inclined, her heart quenching with regret—regret of their night together not lasting longer.

Turning to face him, she smiled.

"Call me tomorrow?"

"You know I will."

It was a promise.

Nodding, she placed her hands on the door handle, but Nick stopped her.

"What is wrong?"

She puzzlingly asked, her eyebrows raised.

Leaning forward until their noses touched, he unbuckled her seat belt.

"You forgot these."


She said in wonder.

"Oh, indeed."

He lightly chuckled but did not pull away, even after she was free from the confines of the seat belt.

"I will see you again on Friday since my schedule will be full tomorrow, okay?"

Nodding, Sharlene murmured.


However, Nick did not respond.

Instead, he faired her goodbye with another toe-curdling kiss that had finished faster than it had started.

"This time, it will be in the same restaurant that I promised we would visit once again for lunch. Will you be okay with that?"

He asked after pulling away.

"Wherever you go, I'll follow."

Smiling, Nick opened the door in her steid.

"Then it is a date."


Stepping out of the vehicle, Sharlene closed the door, but she lingered in front of it because she could not bear to part with Nick once more.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

Blushing, Sharlene walked away, but after taking two steps, she turned around, and Nick was still there. Waving at him to which he recuperated, she swiftly turned back around and sped walked towards the house. Luckily enough, Nick had purchased sandals with a short heel for her earlier since her previous heels had become an issue.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now