Chapter Forty-Eight

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"Just pretend I am not there."

AJ sarcastically remarked, and Sharlene wanted to laugh but quickly hid it behind a cough.

"Are you jealous, AJ?"

"What? No."

Scoffing, he returned to playing his game, but Sharlene knew better.

"That is because you have already seen what I bought you, haven't you?"


He mumbled, and she finally let out the laugh.

"You naughty boy. Okay fine. Here. The second edition of whatever game you wanted and your very own laptop. By the way, I saved up quite a lot for those two items. They are also my advanced graduation gift to you."

Instantly pausing the game, he snatched the items out of her hands as if he was only waiting for the moment.


Murmuring, he examined the game then the laptop.

Clearing her throat, when she realized he was about to open the laptop and spend hours exploring inside of it, Sharlene raised an eyebrow while tapping her hand on her lap.

"Are you forgetting something, AJ?"

Fake coughing, AJ placed the laptop and game in the space near him.

"It looks like I owe you."

Smirking, Sharlene nodded.

"That you are."


"You are welcome."

Grinning, she wrapped her arms around him, but he quickly detangled himself and stood up.

"Hey! Don't touch the hair!"

Rolling her eyes, Sharlene fixed herself on the sofa.

"What is up with you and your hair these days?"

Teasingly, she added with wiggling eyebrows.

"Did you somehow manage to find a girlfriend?"

As if he had chewed on a pepper, AJ blushed beet red. Just by his reaction, she knew her assumption was correction.

"Wha...what are you saying? Wha...what girlfriend? You are out of your mind."

He cutely stuttered, which caused her to laugh.

"Oh my god. It is true."

"What is true? Just because I take care of my hair does not mean I have a girlfriend."

With a sly grin, Sharlene continued to tease him.

"Oh ho. Is that right? Then why are you blushing?"

"Don't you suddenly feel the heat in here?"

Quickly redirecting the conversation, AJ began to fan himself with his hands.

"I am swelting."

He added further as he walked over to put on the ceiling fan. Smiling at his innocent lie, she was about to tease him further, but her mother's stern voice prevented such.

"Leave your brother be, Sharlene."

Both AJ and Sharlene turned towards her, and their mouths fell wide open at the sight of Helena.

Clarice, who had entered the room with her hands nestled in her unkempt hair, gasped.

"Who are you? And what did you do with my mother?"

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the Shrewजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें