Chapter Sixty-Seven

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He heard Hector babble before adding with a fluster.

"Yes, yes, sir."

"Then enjoy the rest of the day."

"You too, sir."

The call cut off after Mr. Thomas's hesitant response.

It appeared even before the project can reach completion, there were many setbacks. Sighing, while passing a hand down his face, Nick hoped his strategy would work out in the end. He also had to look for a way to rectify Hector's poor judgment.

"It appears he needs more training in the human social department."

He murmured and was about to put the receiver back in the hook when it rang once more. Squaring his eyebrows, Nick answered on the third ring. But before he could say anything, he had to pull the receiver from his ears because his mother's shrill scream entered through the speakers.

"NICHOLAS ROSS, why are you not answering your phone?!"

"Hey to you too, mum."

He nervously chuckled because he had forgotten about her request to return her call.

"Don't you hey me, young man. I have been trying to call you for fifteen minutes now. Luckily, your kind secretary answered on the eighteenth ring, and I was so glad when she told me it was because you were busy that you could not answer the call at any of the moments I did call."

Inwardly breathing a heavy sigh of relief when his mother's rant had surprisingly reached an end, Nick massaged his ears which was still ringing from the unexpected shriek.

"I apologize, mom. I was speaking to one of my employees."

"Your apology is accepted. Are you busy right now?"

"No, I am not. I have twenty minutes to spare until my next meeting."

"Oh wow, great. That time was longer than three days ago. I could only tell you hello before you answered goodbye."

Ah, yes, his mother was referring to three days ago, when he was the busiest. She had called two minutes before he stepped into the conference room and felt apologetic, to cut off her aimless rambling so that he could tell her he was attending an important meeting.

He felt guilty, but afterward, he blamed it on his mother's bad timing.

She called him on the oddest of days.

Once, she had called him when he was making his way to sleep at 2 in the morning. Their conversation was short since he had eventually fallen asleep while speaking to her.

"What time is it on your side?"

She asked, her voice cheerily sweet.

He knew when his mother became this charming; she had many things up her sleeve to share. And twenty minutes would be just enough to share them.

Glancing at the watch on his wrist, he informed.

"It just turned 5 p.m. That would be about 5 a.m. for you."

"Then that is splendid because I was just having my coffee."

An early bird, Evelyn loved to sip her homebrewed coffee in the young morning, which she referred to while looking at the scenery. She always told him it was relaxing and helped release stress. The health bug, which Riana called their mother often, always spoke about remaining healthy and stress-free. Her youthful face, despite her age, a given fact from that inspiration.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now