Yandere! Hannibal Lecter x reader: Adapting

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He was hosting a dinner party again. You had been 'behaving' recently, so he had decided to let you sit at the table as if it was a reward. As if you wanted to be there. From what he was explaining to the man and his wife (who had introduced himself as Jack Crawford) you had apparently been visiting family in Venice and that's why you'd never had the pleasure of meeting. Really you'd just been trapped in you and Hannibals room for a very long time, but you might understand why he was not letting other people be privy to that information.

Jack was telling a very heartwarming story of how he met his wife, them sharing loving glances from across the table. You wanted to sigh as the display, as 'Bella' seemed to already like Hannibal. Everyone seemed to take an instant liking to him, before you never minded but now it annoyed you. A fake smile lined your face as Hannibal and you listened, and he poured you some wine. He was holding a hand roughly on your shoulder, yet for anyone else that would look like an affectionate display just the same as Bellas and Jacks. Hannibal situated himself again.

"We met in Italy too, as a matter of fact." Hannibal stated, locking eyes with you. He was testing you. This was an opportunity for you to freely act out, or play along. He wanted to demean you to play along. You smiled at him again, taking a sip of your wine. "Yes, Venice." You falsely recounted, trying to act like it was a question and he fake answered it with a nod. "Though, Hannibal was my bella." You would stun him. There was a remaining eye contact that was constant between the two of you as you played his game. Jack laughed heartily at your words.

"Really?" Bella asked, intrigued. You continued. "The ladies would flock him, asking him to draw them as he brought his pencils and papers out into the gardens. You wouldn't believe it now, but he used to be quite handsome." The joke made them both laugh, but you could tell Hannibal wasn't as flattered by the joke. Your smile grew genuine, as he let you over play your part.

"One night he was drawing my balcony, I accidentally stepped out onto it, disturbing his work. I did everything I could to impress him as we talked. I think it might have worked." You said, throwing him a cheeky glance, before switching your attention back to your dinner guests. "His drawings are quite remarkable." Jack noted, and you told him he gifted you the piece as a way of courting you. Had anyone with a better sense of situation and character been their they would have been able to tell everything was fake. You walked a thin line between sounding genuine and completely theatrical satire.

You didn't say much the rest of the dinner. You felt your job had been a job well done. There was no need to subject yourself to more of his games.You knew what would happen when they left, but it would be well worth it to see Hannibal be unhappy with your actions. You didn't even dread it when the door was closed carefully behind them and Hannibal looked over at you. "It's remarkable how well you can adapt to anything." He says, while you followed him into your parlor. "If it had been someone else in their seats they might have picked up on your over acting."

He sat down on the couch, and patted his thighs to indicate for you to sit and you did as he asked, situating yourself on top of him. "Do you like playing house or do you just hope someone finds out?" He asks, and you both know the answer. He just wants to see your reaction, that's everything this is. Curiosity. His hands are moving up and down your thigh a bit too harshly to be loving. You won't give him the satisfaction. Your lack of response makes him chuckle.

"If scolding you no longer has an effect on your behavior, maybe it's time to move onto harsher punishments."

His adaptability never fails to amaze you.

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