Yandere Dean Winchester

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Hunting with Dean is both satisfying and hard. Very, very hard. There's the whole hunting part, which he is good at and it's like heaven working with him when he is in that state or that part of the hunt where all he has to do is kick ass. You feel safe, and you know he has your back. No hunt is hard enough for the both of you when you work as a team.

But then there are the times when you're searching for clues, interacting with the locals or researching and those times are so suffocating and dreadful that it's almost not worth hunting with him. But you're a person of principle. Even if you have to suffer through his overly protective and annoyingly clingy personality, you will save more people than if you didn't. That is all that matters in the end, really. You've devoted your life to saving every innocent person you can, no matter the cost and you're not about to stop.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't get on your nerves, despite your long standing friendship and partnership. So that's why you find yourself in a bar, far away from your shared motel room and far away from Deans ever watchful eyes. He had taken a shower, and you had very happily used that opportunity to get out and get something to drink. You and Dean had just, as far as you knew, ganked a pretty nasty vampire nest. Dean had ended up in pretty bad shape by Dean standards. Which meant he'd be in the shower for a bit. He would probably notice you were gone soon but you were too done with him to even care about it.

You handed the bartender another note from your withered wallet, paying for your newest beer. There was starting to settle in some nervousness in your body, realizing that Dean should have been out of the shower by now, but he hadn't even tried to contact you. It was very unusual for Dean to not freak out and call you whenever you were apart. It had been like that since you became best friends. He had to always check up on you.

Your first thought obviously went to him being in danger. Maybe you hadn't ganked the monster like you thought you had. That's when anxiety started to set in and you considered heading back to the motel to see if Dean was okay, but you decided to try and text him first. Maybe you were just overreacting. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe he understood you needed some space and he needed to rest too. You shot him a quick text, telling him you were just out for a drink. Before you could reply, a guy came up taking the seat next to you. He was pretty average, and you didn't pay him much mind until he started talking to you. It was honestly just polite conversation, and it felt nice to just talk to the man.

But the pleasant chatting made you forget and lose track of time. Or maybe it was the whiskey, or a mix of both. But when the man left and you flipped your phone open you realized that it has been an hour and Dean had yet to answer his phone. This was so out of character for him and without thinking you clicked his contact and called him. Then suddenly, your ears perked and your body froze in surprise. You looked behind yourself, further down the bar. Dean was staring you right back in the face, holding his ringing phone in his hand. His stare was piercing and stern. He seemed disappointed. And it pissed you off.

You got up angrily and left a tip, stomping out of the bar. You were halfway to your car when you heard the door go again and you knew by the footsteps it was Dean. Spinning around to look at him, you got out your car keys ready to ditch him at this point. "How did you even find me?" You ask him scathingly. He raises a signature eyebrow at you and you really have to strain yourself to not start shouting at him. This was about his behaviour, not yours. Nothing you did was out of line. He was the one acting like a dick. "I tracked your phone. Mind telling me what you were doing?" The first part is said with such normalcy, and then he hits you with the dad voice. "Mind telling me what you were doing?" You repeat, your voice getting lower with each word, trying to contain yourself.

"I can go out wherever I want, Dean. You don't own me. If I want a beer I don't have to tell you." You explain, but he doesn't seem satisfied or pleased with your attitude and he wipes his jaw looking away. It's like he's the one trying to hold back anger, and it upsets you that he can't see he doesn't own you. "We're partners. We look after each other, you know what's out there. We need each other's backs." You groan at his words. That's not what it really is about, you know this for sure. He was never like this with his brother or Cas. And You really couldn't keep quiet. "You know that's not what it's about! You don't do this with anybody else, tracking them and following them around. It's so overbearing!"

There is a thoughtful look on his face, as he takes in your words. But you know he won't truly listen, he never does, him and his family. They always think they're right, so you don't even know why you bother at this point. After some quiet he finally answers you. "You know it's not the same. You're... Different." Is all he chooses to say, stumbling over the last word. He doesn't know exactly how to explain it to you, the way he feels. He's never been any good at it. You sigh, turning to unlock your car, but suddenly his hand is on your arm and he has spun you around so you're facing him again and your back is to your car.

"Don't leave me again, alright?" He asks, but it's more of a command than him needing reassurance and you both know this. "Whatever. Let's get back." You choose to say. Maybe one day you will leave him in the dust when you finally fully snap. But tonight you're not pressing your luck and you're too tired to relive the conversation for another 100th time. 

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