Request: yandere Hannibal x reader x yandere Will with combativ reader

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Hannibal had expected you to be combative when they took you at the very least. Even though you were way more than just instinct and he loved most things about you, his favourite thing about you by far was that you were so in touch with your primal feelings in a way others were not. When you felt like you were being threatened, your first thought was always to fight and it was always instant. It was like there was a deeper connection with your instincts than there was with anything else inside you. He found that positively interesting.

What he could never have expected was the way you acted when you were backed into a corner completely. He was very much used to your physical inclination to attack people, and he had experienced that himself. But your tongue was even sharper than your nails and tougher than your fists. Hannibal doesn't like being outdone, even if it was just simple verbal arguments, but you kept doing it constantly. The first few times it was endearing, as he had never expected you to be that quick witted. But now it was starting to get on his nerves. Will could tell that much too, as he physically restrained you against the couch and you writhed in an attempt to escape his hold on your arms.

Hannibal was staring you down, his cheek red from your assault minutes prior. He was wondering at what point you would have had enough time to adjust and when it was time for him to implore other methods to sedate your more intrusive assaults and make you come to terms with your new situation. Both you and Will could feel his intense stare and vengeful thoughts, and while Will tried to appeal to his calmer side, you on the other hand just wanted to struggle further and fight the man double your size even more than before. "They didn't mean it, they're just angry." Will said, trying to sooth his partner into not cutting you up and using you as dinner. His lack of attention on restraining you for just a brief moment gave you an opening, and you kicked Will in his kneecap. Involuntarily he softened his hold on you as he bowed himself backwards. Then you shoved him backwards, making him fall on his back onto the ground.

As you threw yourself at Hannibal, he couldn't help but find your efforts commendable, but just by the pure difference in mass between the two of you he couldn't even perceive you as a real threat to his well being. As you both tumbled to the ground, you on top of him, he didn't even try to struggle as you placed your hands around his throat in an attempt to strangle him. Truly, your technique was leaving loads to be desired. Even if you managed to choke him out, Will would stop you when he regained his composure from the momentary fall. But even then Hannibal didn't need that help. He just simply threw you off of him, sitting up like you had barely touched him. He even took the time to restraighten his shirt.

It annoyed you, as you laid on the floor next to the sitting man who towered scarily over you. The only sound in the room was your heavy breathing. You had not really exhausted yourself, but you could not stop your heart from pounding because of the anger burning you up from the inside. And along with your burning heart came the unnatural breathing. No one moved for a while, and at some point your body started to calm down as you just laid there, looking at the floorboards and counting the imperfections. "This has to stop at some point." Hannibal speaks up. "You cannot keep fighting us forever." You scoff, and roll over on your other side. His patience is running thin, and all three of you know it too.

"It will stop when you either kill me or let me go." You reply, stone cold. But Hannibal knows there is emotion in it. He knows you don't want to die, you're too connected to your primal side to ever seek out death. It's true, you would really not want to die. But you also would want to be free. But even though you suggested it you don't think it's an option. You know too much now for them to let you go, even if they wanted to. Will crawls over to you, sitting between you and Hannibal and creating a kind of barrier between the two of you. He puts a hand soothingly on your side. "You know we can't do that." He says, sadness evident in his voice. For some reason it sounds genuine but you can't let him wiggle his way into your mind by giving him pity.

You just have to be patient. Work on your strategy. One day you will be able to kill them both or get away.

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