Yandere! Hannibal x reader: Out of reach

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He liked the way you always seemed just out of reach of him. Every time he thought he was getting closer to you it was like you reeled yourself back and right out of his reach once again. He couldn't count the amount of times you'd declined invites for dinner on his hands, even if he grew a third one. It wasn't like him to keep pursuing someone who wanted nothing to do with him, but he couldn't help it. There was something about you that completely made him unable to gather himself around you.

That was what made it so disheartening to him as he watched you sit rigidly next to him and across from Jack Crawford. Everything you said was stiff and calculated, as you advised him in the area of discussion that they were currently engaged in. The fact that you were called in to advice on cases more and more would be the death of him. He could hardly focus on what you were saying, even if it was clear you were uncomfortable he still found you positively irresistible.

"Doctor?" He hadn't even noticed you moving to be looking at him and Jack having left the office, so he was surprised to find your hand extended to him. It wasn't unusual for you to shake hands as a meeting ended, and he took your hand gratefully. Your grip was slack and awkward and you pulled your hand back fast afterwards. You took your bag from under your chair and stood up. Even as he said your name you just stared down towards the floor, but the lack in movement indicated you'd heard him. "Are you sure you won't accept and offer for dinner?"

You turned back halfway towards him, grabbing your hand around your arm hanging by your side. Hannibal knew it to be a very common reaction to hide ones body subconsciously when uncomfortable. "I'm not a peoples person." You explained, trying to get out of the conversation. Often times just going to work and interacting with people seemed so far out there to you, how would you ever fair at a dinner? He laughed good naturedly. "No people. Just you and me." He tried to clarify, baiting you into accepting his invitation. "Are you implying we're not people?" You asked, not expecting an answer as you left him in the room.

He just stood there, unmoving for a while until he was interrupted. "It's interesting watching you so inept at something when you're so used to you excelling in everything," Will told him. He was holding a cup of coffee for Hannibal and one for himself. How he had even heard what had just gone down was unbeknownst to Hannibal. "We can't be perfect." He simply answered back. Will laughed. " Yeah, but isn't this your field? Getting people comfortable enough to open up?" Hannibal wanted to strangle Will for compressing everything down to that, and for reminding him of his failures. Will must have gotten the hint, cause he made a noise and put down his cup like he was ready to lecture Hannibal.

"I'll do you a solid here. Have you ever considered that the scene isn't right for the person?" It had occurred to him that dinner wasn't the sort of date or get together (He had never implied it was more than friendly even if his feelings were) that you would like the most or feel the most comfortable with, but he was unsure what else to approach you with. "What would you suggest, Will?" Will, walked over and picked up his coffee and made himself ready to leave, sensing the end of the conversation.

"If you know them well enough to be enamoured, you'll figure it out." Will said, leaving Hannibal alone once again.

Hannibal smiled. One day you'd give in, and it was just about chipping away at you. You'd fall into his web someday, no matter how long he'd have to keep going. He was sure of that. 

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