Yandere! Hannibal Lecter x Yandere! Reader for someone else

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Hannibal didn't like being outdone by anyone. That used to be one of the things he knew you liked about him. His resilience. You'd used to worship him on your hands and knees, as he did things and proved his intelligence in so many ways. It made him feel good, he wasn't going to lie about that. It definitely fed his ego. That's what he had assumed was what kept you around. What kept you alive, instead of being killed by his skilled hands. He doubted you would have minded him being the one to end your life either way. But if that conclusion was correct, why did he suddenly feel so jealous and Empty when you decided he was no longer as significant as you thought?

His blood boiled with something completely indescribable, as he watched you from across the room gushing over another man. A lawyer, no less. The first time he saw you with the man, your eyes obviously starstruck, he had assumed it was a new tactic to get his attention. I mean what else could it be? You had obviously been deeply in love with him. But he could tell, as something turned in his chest. He could tell you were genuine with the man. And that was even worse than his first assumption. Maybe he had gotten addicted to your ego lifting praise. Maybe he actually held some form of affection for you.

It didn't matter why he wanted you. What mattered was that he got what he wanted. He'd never done anything halfheartedly and he was not about to start, either. As he made light conversation with another dinner guest, he couldn't help but have an occupied mind. He wondered, which dish would serve the man best? He needed something he could savor, something that would let him relish in a job well done. Something that you could taste, and remember just exactly who deserved your attention. Even if you'd get mad at him that wouldn't matter, he could teach you to look at him like you used to. 

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