Yandere! Izaya x reader: I love you

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You had met him out in the streets randomly one night. There had been no real reason for you to be out that night, you were just wandering around. You'd do that often, not because you were sad or needed to think. You just walked. Friends often referred to you as the most spontaneous person they knew, and some of your less tactful called you insane. You remember taking the train to the countryside one day, on a whim, or that time you bought a camera you had no real use for. Maybe that's what drew his attention to you. Maybe he wanted to be surprised, or maybe he wanted to understand why you did some of the things you did. Either way you grew to like his company, and he yours.

You didn't expect him to stick along as long as he did. It started out with him coming along on your nightly walks. He would ask you about everything, and you grew to adore his curiosity, even if you hardly had any answers to his many inquires about why you did anything. Your relationship progressed one evening where he kept complaining about being tired and hungry, thinking he was slick in trying to convince you to go get food with him. You went anyways, blushing and curling into yourself a bit as he grabbed your hand and led you to his favourite sushi place. He smiled genuinely for once as you sat and enjoyed your dinner.

Then came the warnings. Your girlfriends would tell you awful stories about the mafia after they saw him pick you up after work once and one of your acquaintances Shizuo (whom you trusted with your life) had told you that he was a bastard psychopath that was out to hurt you. People you and Izaya ran into all over the city would advise you against being with him, or tell you he was weird or involved with crime. You disagreed with all of them. You could hardly imagine your Izaya involved with gangs. And even if he was, what would it matter? He loved you. You loved him. And he treated you good. Maybe you should have listened more closely.

You were on your way to meet Izaya for dinner when it happened. A guy had stopped you and was trying to coerce you into giving him your number. You tried your best to explain that you were taken, but the man would not take no for an answer and after getting tired of him asking for what seemed like the 100th time you just tried to move around him. The man however, grabbed onto your arm and pushed you back. "Why the rush?" He asked, demeaningly, and although you didn't think you were in any danger you began to feel a pit in bottom of your stomach. You were about to explain to him once again that you were meeting up with your boyfriend, when suddenly a scream made you focus on the man again. "Do you not know it's rude to touch someone elses things?"

Izayas face has tiny specks of blood on it, while the mean grabbed his hand into himself, as the blood kept flowing. You couldn't quite make out what Izaya was saying, as you tuned out. You could tell the guy ran away but you couldn't get your eyes off the ground. Everything stood still, as your heart was the only sound your brain recognized through the fog. Until a cold hand grabbed onto yours, equally cold. You moved your head to stare up at Izaya mortified. He was smiling gently down at you, but the following look of concern as he asked if you were okay seemed suddenly so fake to you.

"I-uh... I think I should go home." You tried, but as you pulled on your hand to seperate yourself from Izaya he just held on. He was smiling again. Smirking. Everything about him seemed so different. "I thought we were going out to eat." He countered, and you were unsure about his intentions. Was he trying to convince you to still go? You grabbed your hand back harshly, finally breaking the hold he had on you. He looked genuinely sad. "No, Izaya. I'm going home." You tried more confidently, taking a step back. "Alright, let's go home then." He said, grabbing for you again, slinging his arm over your shoulder and harshly pushing you along with him, the opposite way of your apartment. You tried to wiggle away until you felt something sharp and cold being pointed into your side. A knife, you quickly realized. Where was he taking you?

"Don't worry, I'll make sure we get home safe. I love you."

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