Hannibal x Reader: Criteria

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You can't help but trace the imperfections across your face with your hand, as you stare blankly into your own reflection in the mirror. There is an empty and unwhole feeling in your chest as you look at yourself, and you catch yourself not feeling worthy. You shake the feeling, grabbing a cream from the bathroom sink and continue your routine by squeezing a small amount onto your hand and rubbing it into your skin carefully. When you finish, you wash your hands and dry them, and once again get caught up looking at your face disrespectfully. The way you feel about yourself, you just can't help it even if you know you are wrong. When you look at other people with the same amount of pimples and imperfections you hardly notice it, still finding them to be stunning people. But you can't hold the same standard to yourself. You reach up a hand to touch your face again when a hand grabs your wrist gently, stopping you.

Instead, his hands reach up to cup your other cheek to make you look at him. You can tell by the look in his eyes that he is searching your face, soaking up your emotions. There is no way you can hide how you really feel about yourself from Hannibal. He knows what you are thinking even without you having to tell him. "You're beautiful, my darling." He reassures you, but even he knows that despite how much you care for his opinion it will never truly convince you. You turn to look at yourself in the mirror again, and he lets you. "I don't always feel that way," you tell him honestly. letting him in on your true thoughts. It's not often you let others know how insecure you are, but you can't help but feel a bit raw today.

Hannibal sinks his head into your shoulder, kissing the space between your neck and your shoulder lovingly. "I am not perfect either, my love." He tells you, before taking your hands and leading you into his embrace, holding you tightly. You're almost close to just crying into his shoulder, but you manage to just let your eyes close as you lean into him. "I've done things that I regret, I have made mistakes," he says, as he pulls you away from himself, making you look at his face as he holds you gently on your waists. "Being perfect does not mean being flawless, being perfect means living up to whatever task you are engaging in."

You pull away, picking up your clothes to put them on as he leans against the doorway watching you. The way he looks at you makes you anxious, but you can almost tell it is his usual infatuated stare so you don't feel much different except you just gave up your insecurities to the man. But he probably already knew them, maybe even better than you yourself did. "And what task am I engaging in?" You ask him, as you slip on your shirt. Touching your hair to make sure it is in the right place one more time, you turn to look at him as you are ready to leave. He smiles. "That depends on how you look at it. One might say your simplest task is being human. And to those criteria you are definitely fitting." You grab your purse as you both make your way through the giant house, going out to his car. You grab the front seat, and he throws you a look before giving you the keys. You want to distract yourself with the road, but you both know that.

He seats himself in the passenger seat next to you. "What task do you think I am engaging in, then?" You ask him as you turn on the car, reserving out of the driveway. He puts a hand lovingly on your thigh. "Being my lover is the first one that comes to mind." He says after letting out a sigh, like he was thinking about it. He wasn't, you know he never has to think long about what he says. "And what are the criteria for that?" You ask him, eyeing him before looking back to the road. He smiles like he knows where to go from there, like you fell into his verbal trap. "Perfection." He then says.

And for some reason it makes you feel a bit better.

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