Chapter 7: Whole Team Together

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P.O.V Sonic

That's all I feel. The pleasant warmth enveloping my body, refusing to release me from it's clutches. I want to stay here, like this, consumed by this feeling forever. The immense feeling of everlasting love caused a soft smile to tug at the corners of my lips. The gentle breath that was cascading onto my ears warmed me up even more so. All I could see was eternal darkness but it wasn't the cold, lonely and sad darkness, one would assume. It was a comfortable darkness that made you feel safe and cared for, as if it was ok to forget all your worries. My eyelids felt glued shut and my body disobeyed my commands to move although I gave none. My chest raised and fell slowly, following the soothing melody of the breaths beside me. The softest fur tickled at my face, causing me to hum in joyous pleasure and make my smile increasingly grow. I regretfully urged my eyelids to let me out of this comforting darkness and reveal the hateful world to me once again. Warm, dim light steadily crept into my vision when my eyes lazily opened up, refusing to lift any further than semi halfway. My sight was blocked by the tuff of soft fur my face was buried in, barely allowing any of the sun's gaze through, only tiny splotches here and there. My brain slowly identified the hue of my make-shift pillow as a warm, autumn orange and cloudy white.

A small, tired whine crawled out my mouth unintentionally. I remained as still as a lake, not wanting to ruin the harmonizing peace holding me prisoner. The bunch of fur gently twitched once then twice before slithering down my face painfully slowly as if moving even remotely quickly would inflict excruciating pain on me. The cuddly fur tuff rested itself upon my nose, just below my, barely open, spring green eyes that desperately tried to fend off the invading brightness. The flood of light subsided after some time, leaving the mysterious view before me, identifiable. My mind focused on what it saw and attempted to solve the puzzle of where I was. I picked up more of the fluffy orange fur but I could also make out a face that beheld the softest expression I have ever seen. I looked directly into the deep sky blue eyes opposite me. The same sky blue eyes I wake up to every single morning. The same sky blue eyes that show me more love than I could ever hope to gain. The same sky blue eyes that I would give my life for and fight till death to protect. My mind hazed out after acknowledging that I was in the safest place I could ever be in this reality, I was in my big brother's strong and protective arms. There was a soft, nurturing smile embedded onto his fluffy white cheeks which I tried to reciprocate with the best I could manage.

My body still wouldn't make a single movement, not even a slight twitch but I couldn't care less since I wanted to stay here forever,being held by the most loving arms in this world. My big brother's smile stretched into a positive grin as he closed his beautiful blue eyes and seemed to almost glow with a radiance which rivaled that of the sun itself. I, once again, thanked whatever great being that was out there in the universe for gifting me with this amazing person that I will cherish for all eternity. Tails lifted his tail from my face and hovered it above my head. My big brother opened his sparkling water hued eyes and looked back at my sleepy face, wondering wether or not I was dead. Suddenly a sly smirk crawled onto the fox's muzzle. What was he thinking? Before I could even start my train of thought, a fluffy tail gracefully plopped itself onto my face with a soft 'foof'. I squinted my eyes shut, not expecting this to happen. The fur tuff then began to make small, subtle movements which tickled my nose slightly. Then those movements became faster and at this point my nose was itching. I was thrown into a sneezing fit with no end in sight, Tails only giggled at me as I struggled to stop.
"W-why are you 'a-a-achoo' laughing 'achoo, achoo!" I huffed out with tiny tear droplets forming in the corners if my eyes from all the sneezing.

"Hahahah, it's because you're adorable when you sneeze, hahaha." Tails giggled back gently.
I grumbled unhappily after my endless sneezing fit subsided. I grumbled unhappily as I grabbed the sunset kitsune's tail and drowned it with cuddles, nuzzling my nose deep into the soft, fluffy fur. This, in turn, caused Tails to start chuckling again. I smiled into the furry captive trapped in my grip, I loved hearing those soft, genuine laughs. They always make my heart feel warm and it was rare to. Most people avoid me because apparently I have a "dangerous and scary aura" around me? It's utter fucking bullshit in my eyes, I mean I haven't hurt a single person all my life so it makes no bloody sense. I don't care though because I have my amazing brother and that's all I'll ever need in my life. My life is definitely turning a new, fresh, bright green leaf.
My ears twitched when the giggling died down so I peaked out from the fluffy object and curiously glanced at Tails with my large, emerald eyes. His focus appeared to be drawn to something else ,behind me. I took notice of his facial expression as well. It was a big mixture of different emotions swirling around. I could see dread and sorrow. I could see hatred and anguish. I could see regret and fear but the emotions that overpowered all the others were immense sadness and guilt. This was very weird since Tails was almost never this gloomy. I turned my head to look over my shoulder at where the fox was staring. Everything immediately froze in an icy and dark atmosphere.

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