"Oh yea here" he handed him a different nice of rope it was glowing pink.

"Stop right there Wilbur." I heard bad say as he did due to Bad aiming at his head.

"Step away from him" he only moved a few feet away.

But then just as I started to walk to Bad I felt something hit me.

A needle...?!

I look down to see I have been stabbed with a needle.

I looked up at bad but then I was in wilburs grip as word started to spin I couldn't do anything but cry.

And then it was dark.

*Dream POV*

I told Sapnap to check on George he hasn't msg me back.

So something might have happened to them.

I send Bad and Tubbo because Tech was with me right now.

Face to Face.

That's when his phone lit up.

And he started to msg someone.

He gave me a smile and broke the silence.

"Well, we have came here for all we need."


"And if your wondering what it is maybe you should check on your lite angel Dream." Those words hit me hard but I knew I was to late already.

"What..."I said

"You heard me, goodbye for now" I started to shoot him as he ran out the door.

But missed every single time.

"FUCK" I yelled.

I ran to George's room after that and I saw Sapnap passed out on the floor.

I picked him up and put him in George's bed.

But then I heard something.

I looked around.

And then up.

I saw George sleeping while flying...

How? I said to myself.

"George!" I yelled hoping to wake him up.

But then I looked at his leg and saw he had be stabbed with a needle due to a small hoe of blood.

I was happy he is here.

That's when bad came running in the door.

Along with Tubbo

"Dream I'm so sorry we could save George" Bad said sounding sorry.

I just pointed up to the roof.

"B-but I saw him get taken" Bad said.

I just though it was something a angel can do.

Like magic powers and stuff honestly I don't know.

But surely he would explain when he wakes up.

As I walked out the door with Bad and Tubbo to let Sapnap and George sleep.

"George will explain when he wakes up" I said as they nodded.

"Now can you get the cleaners to clean up the mess." I said

"The front door is broken" I said as they went and gave a simple sure.

That's when I heard two boys running up to me.

Just when I was about to leave.

"Is Sapnap ok?!" Said Karl. I nodded.

"What happened to him" said Quackity.

Boyfriends of Sapnap they are.

"He just got hit in the head, that's all nothing to bad so don't worry" I said as I opened the door knowing they would just cuddle with him until he wakes up.

And how was I so right.

"Just be carful not to wake up George" I said whispering and point up.

I could tel they were shocked but I was not in the mood to answer anymore questions.

So I closed the door and let them be.

Hi guys I hope your day is going great so far.

I just woke up and decided to write another chapter.

So with that have a wonder day/noon/night!

"The world can only be seen, the way you want it to be seen"

-Dreamie (707)

Words 1084

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