05 | boy alone

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Mr. Bing's formula was so long that the whole class had started to yawn by the time he was at the end. Everyone was bored to death but my attention was on Kai who was sitting on the teacher's desk, his eyes narrowed, as he looked at the board disapprovingly.

"He made a mistake, Novi. Tell him," he turned to speak to me.

I was sitting on the first desk beside Andrew who was to my right and Kai shouted the words out loud that made me want to shush him although I knew no one could hear him except me.

I averted my eyes from him and scribbled the last part of the formula on my notebook. I looked up only to see that Kai was not on the desk anymore and a tug at my hair made me groan. From the corner of my eye, I saw him sitting on the floor beside me, his back leaning on the stands of my steel chair.

"What do you need?" I murmured as I tried to focus on understanding anything at all about the problem that Mr. Bing had given us to solve.

"He made a mistake, Novi. The sign after 'a' should be a multiplication, not an add."

"Shut up, Kai. It doesn't matter," I murmured again, my voice just a whisper.

I stilled when Kai got up with a 'humph' and moved behind me. I waited for what he was going to do and then, I saw his right hand curve around my fingers. I felt him lean closer until I could feel his cold breath on my neck. I couldn't move nor could I say anything and as he moved my fingers along with his, correcting the question, I realized what a grave mistake Mr. Bing had made for now the sum was easily solved.

"See Novi? Told you it's a grave mistake."

I stared at the page in which my handwriting now appeared unfamiliar but pretty.

"You have nice handwriting."

To my amazement, I must have muttered that a little louder because I saw Andrew give me a surprised glance. He was wearing a blue T-shirt underneath a white hoodie and a pair of faded jeans. He looked so cute that I wanted to throw myself at him but instead settled for a small, awkward smile. He returned it with a similar one and went back to his work.

I sighed but my relief stayed for a while because Kai was now whispering in my ear. "Seriously, Novi. What do you see in this guy? He is not even that handsome. I'm so far better."

"He isn't handsome because God gave him a brain instead of looks which he didn't think of gifting you with," I snorted.

I waited, knowing that he was thinking of a comeback but my senses stopped completely when instead of words, I felt his lips on a sensitive spot behind my ear as he pressed them firmly on the spot and sucked on it. I bit my lip to control the moan threatening to escape me.

"Damn it, Novi..."

I squeezed his hand, the one that was holding mine, and dug my fingernails deep, making him hiss before he let go. I felt him move away from me and closed my eyes to calm down.

When I opened them, I found him staring at me with a smirk. In almost an instinctive movement, my hand came up to slap him hard across the cheek for the fourth time that day. This time, it was harder than ever and my palm hurt when it hit his skin, making me let out a cry of pain.

He stumbled back and I realized my mistake because now everyone in the class was staring at me, including Andrew, and Mr. Bing with his short physique and small brown eyes paired with his fluffy mustache and big glasses. He looked dangerous.

"Miss Nova, is there a problem?" Mr. Bing's question made me look at him, agape, and I blinked to understand what was going on. It took me a while to understood how stupid I must have looked.

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