"FUCKING DIE ALREADY!" she shouted, her stand cries matching her anger filled cries.


"I don't want to hurt you further y/n!" Josuke, grabbed onto her dislocated left arm and pulled at it, making y/n scream in pain, her stand trashing around furiously. "Snap out of it already!" he was surprised when she used her free right arm to punch him in the jaw, he winced as he tasted the metallic tang of blood upon his tongue but held onto her injured arm even harder.

"I'm not letting go until you give up!" she repeatedly punched his jaw, her eyes filled with this crazy expression of anger.
It was almost as if she wanted to kill him.

As much as Josuke didn't want to validate the rumour that y/n killed her own mom he decided to try to use it to snap her out of her anger outbreak.


Y/n froze and Josuke gently let go of her limp arm.

"I didn't do it." she mumbled, the anger in her eyes fading to agony. "I don't know who you heard this from but I didn't do it." tears started to pool in her eyes as she slumped to the floor sobbing.

Josuke felt really really bad.

He didn't believe the rumours at all but now that he said it, y/n would think that he really did.

"A day doesn't go by where I don't stop blaming myself for not dying along with her," she choked out, trying to rub her tears with her dislocated hand, crying even more when the pain of her dislocated arm settled in.

"I didn't mean it," he knelt down in front of her and summoned Crazy Diamond to heal her, helping her pop back her arm into its socket.
For now y/n seemed to regain her bearings but it wasn't in a good way.

"Let's..find out who killed her," he said, holding onto her hand gently.

"What...why...would you help me?" y/n retracted her hand. "You hardly know me."

Y/n continued to cry and Josuke awkwardly healed her.

First day of being friends I guess. Josuke thought to himself as he thought of things to comfort her.


Josuke's words slammed into y/n like a truck and the mention of her mother released the 2 months worth of suppressed memories to bubble and explode into y/n's already tired brain.

She remembered the suspicions of her neighbours when she stumbled out of the house with the police shaking as they escorted her into the ambulance.

She could still hear the whispers.

"Hey I got a theory! What if she actually killed her own mother! I mean look at her, always coming home late, frequently getting in arguements with her mother, do you think she snapped?'"

"You're right! Imagine if she got away with it, poor Mrs l/n though , she was such a sweet woman."

Josuke gently shook her and y/n snapped back into reality.
With her tears blurring her vision, she could hardly see the expression on Josuke's face.
She didn't want to know either.

"Hey i'm sorry," he said as she felt her nose rearrange and fix itself. "I didn't mean it at all I just thought that it would snap you out."

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