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the car stopped in a halt as they found a decent parking space just outside the motel, wearing their facemask to at least reduce people looking at them, the went to the front desk where a woman in her late 20's stand.

"hello how may i help you?" the lady asked as jeonghan asked for his friends name.

the lady looked at them suspiciously, "the woman you're asking for said to me that if someone comes by looking for her needs to leave, so sir's you all need to leave." 

seungcheol grew furious as he rings jihoon.

"woozi, are you guys still in contact with mei?" the leader asked as the lady just looks at them, eyeing their every move.

"yeah, she's still here with us, jun is talking to her trying to make her stay awake." jihoon answered as seungcheol looked at the lady with stern eyes.

"can you ask for her room number so we can pick her up already." seungcheol said as jihoon hummed, in the background, the younger member asked wenmei as her slurred words can be heard.

"room 218 she said." and with that seungcheol ended the call, before grabbing jeonghan's hands to leave the front desk and to the motel.

"sir! you really cant!" the lady tried to stop.

in frustration, seungcheol pulled down his mask before talking, "look ma'am we talked to her, she gave us her room number, we're not the ones she's scared of, we're going to help her." 

the lady stopped and stared at his face, almost in awe but stopped and closed her mouth, finally giving in.

soonyoung followed behind the two older members as they reach the door.

"mei? baby its me, hannie come on open the door." jeonghan knocked on the door.

repeating it a couple of times, the door finally opened, and there she was.

wenmei, with bloodshot eyes and the huge bruise on her cheek, she smelled like alcohol too.

even with such a drunk state, she noticed seungkwan who's beside soonyoung, "what is he doing here." she asked in a low voice as jeonghan entered the room, grabbing the females hands.

"come on, where are your things?" he asked as wenmei lays on the bed, eyes about to close.

seungkwan noticed the phone, still on a facetime with the members back in seoul, he grabbed the phone as the members waved at him.

"i'll end the call now, we'll go home soon." seungkwan said as jun who's holding the phone nods before saying their goodbyes to each other.

"hoshi get the luggage inside the closet." jeonghan said as he carefully helps wenmei stand up from the bed, "once we get home, you're going to tell me what happened to your face." 

seungkwan stayed quiet at one corner before seungcheol noticed him, "you and hoshi start the car, me and jeonghan will take care of the rest."

following what the leader said, him and his friend exit the motel, going back to the car.

jeonghan, helped the producer stand up and seungcheol followed carefully.

just as they were about to pass the front desk, the female stopped them, not only their walking stopped but also their heartbeat, what if the lady know who they are, not only they're holding a drunk girl it would also ruin their idol image.

"she- um, her keys sir." the lady asked, her hands shaking in progress, jeonghan carefully starts scanning her jean pockets before finding the keys which he gave to the lady.

finally leaving the place, it was now seungcheol's turn to drive home, it was already 9pm, there was no traffic meaning they could go home in about 2 to 3 hours if they go faster than 60.

seungkwan looked at wenmei's passed out body, her eyes closed and normal breathing, her legs laid on jeonghans thighs, while her other half was on seungkwan's.

"please explain everything to me at the dorm." said seungkwan as jeonghan nods.

"will do."

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