Chapter 14 - Father Raven's Lily

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!



Fledgling's cries rang out into the otherwise silent room as Mother Hen and Father Raven looked at their wriggling, new baby in awe.

The specialist had a satisfied smile on her face as she shuffled her supplies around.

Father Raven was so hypnotized by that small, screaming being that he didn't even hear the specialist when she first called to him, "Mr. Snape?"

Severus failed to answer and she tried again, "Mr. Snape?"

Father Raven's black eyes and attention remained solely focused on fledgling.

"Mr. Snape!" The specialist finally shouted.

By increasing her volume, the specialist finally succeeded in getting Severus to notice her as he started violently and glared in her direction with his brow furrowed.


"Would you like to sever the cord?" The specialist asked with a smile.


Father Raven stared at the specialist with an unreadable expression for a moment before he stepped forward.

He thoughtfully sanitized his hands with a spell, not willing to leave a single safety precaution untaken.

He carefully followed the healthcare worker's exact instructions as he cut through the last remaining physical connection between Mother Hen and fledgling.

When Harriet groaned softly, fear gripped Severus's heart.

The specialist had commended his completion of the task.

..........Had he hurt Harriet somehow?

Severus watched her start to writhe on the bed and he hurriedly looked over at the specialist with grim worry in his dark eyes.


"Everything's alright." The specialist reassured them both after she took a quick glance at Harriet, ".....But we do need to get things finished up. Mr. Snape, I'll have you hold the baby while I assist Ms. Potter with this last bit."


Severus's pulse raced as he leaned over to Harriet and let her gently pass that amazing little bundle right into his waiting arms.


As supportive as Father Raven had tried to be to Mother Hen, he hardly noticed her head falling back against the pillows as pain echoed through her abused womb while her body began the final portion of the birth's work.

At that moment, Severus could have been standing anywhere and for once, he wouldn't have noticed anything or anyone.

All Father Raven could focus on was the soft weight in his arms while he cradled his precious bundle close.

The infant's wails had turned into soft whimpers and as the baby fidgeted in her swaddled wrappings, Severus moved the cloth aside just enough to get a better look at his tiny daughter's  face.

When he saw the tufts of red hair that covered her head, the softness of her features, and the trusting way that she stared up at him, as if he were the most important person in the world, Severus's breath hitched and his mouth fell open.

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