Chapter 13 - Fledgling

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Mother Hen laid against Father Raven while she endured her first contraction, which was sudden but mercifully brief.

When Severus felt the rigidity start to ease from Harriet's belly he whispered with confidence, "Relax, Potter.......It's ending now."

"It wasn't that bad." Harriet said with a courageous nod after the spasm completely resolved, "Sorry, that wasn't unbearable, I was just......I was just surprised."

"I wasn't." Severus replied in his low, smooth voice, "You've been acting odd all day and your scent is far too sweet. Come, I need to get you back to bed and send for the specialist."

Harriet knew that she was trembling from nervousness more than anything else, but that didn't stop her from shaking slightly as she clutched onto Severus, with her arm draped around his neck, and let him escort her to her nest.

Once Harriet was situated comfortably on the soft blankets, Severus glided to a corner of her room and cast a summoning charm to call her healthcare provider.

Father Raven wouldn't have left Mother Hen's side for anything, not even if wild thestrals had come charging through the door and made an attempt to drag him away.


"Y-Yeah........that's another one." Harriet bravely whispered.

She kept one hand on her aching side and clutched Severus's fingers with her other as the specialist examined her tensing belly.

Half an hour had passed since the first pain had struck.

The specialist was soothing and calm as she examined her patient.

Harriet swallowed anxiously and blinked up at the ceiling as Severus stared down at her worriedly.

"Excellent!" The specialist cheerily chirped after the pain ebbed away and the tension melted from Harriet's face.

The chipper enthusiasm in her voice made Harriet want to gnash her teeth.

Severus looked at the specialist with anguish on his pale face before the woman smiled and kindly informed the couple, "Your little one will be with us soon! Miss Potter, try to stay as relaxed as you can right now. I can linger or I can come back later? Most first time mothers tend to have a lengthier dealing with the process."

"But she is in labour!" Severus cried, his teeth grit as he reasoned, "You can't leave her like this! She's your patient! It's your job to-"

"-I'd prefer you to stay." Harriet cut in to silence Severus's outrage with a reply to the specialist.

Father Raven grimaced at Mother Hen but she just squeezed his hand in silent reassurance.

"Mr. Snape, I said that I'd be glad to stay." The specialist reminded the nervous, expectant father with an understanding smile before she looked over at Harriet and nodded, "I'll be here the entire time then, Miss Potter. For now, though, the most important thing is for you to be calm and comfortable. Distractions are helpful during the early stages......Is there anything that you'd prefer to do?"

"Actually," Harriet said as she passed a hand over her face. She enjoyed the warm covers around herself as she spoke, "I'd like to go back to sleep."

"Very well then." The specialist nodded, "If it's alright with you, I'll go downstairs and make some tea. Mr. Snape, if she wants you to join her in the nest, you're more than welcome too. Call for me whenever you need me and I'll come."

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