Chapter 10

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My hands dropped to my side as I ended the spell to call out to sultan Ahmed, my eyes stopped glowing bright purple, feeling weak, my knees buckled but thankfully Lorenzo caught me, holding me up by my arms from behind, "wow, you really haven't been practicing your magic very much, have you?"

"No, I told you, I couldn't practice because it was to risky for me to practice without getting caught and I'd rather not be buried at the stake, it's not exactly a quick death, come on, let's get this journey over with, I'm starting to lose my patience with this life after waiting for so many years."

"I know, living in this time is getting really ridiculous now, I'm surprised you still have any patience left, last year I lost my shit so badly, i has a breakdown and was nearly sent away to this times version of the loony bin."

"I'm not surprised, I love history and use to really want to know what it was like to live in the past but now that I'm here, it's all meh with a side of sexism and no medical knowledge and people that are so religious, you just want to push them in front of a carriage just to shut them up."

After taking a break to stretch our legs and so I could cast my spell, we got back into the carriage, we left Rome an hour ago and I'm a little bit surprised no one has come after us yet, sitting back down in the carriage, i sighed, "so what did you talk to him about?"

"I just told him that we're on our way and will be there soon, he wasn't asleep so he's aware that I was there but not actually there, that's going to be difficult to explain if he continues to ask how I did it, I can't exactly tell him that I'm a witch sent back in time to find something that doesn't belong. What the hell am I going to tell him when he asks me how I did it?"

"I really don't know, besides helping you get to Istanbul, I can't really help you any more than that, wait what about Alexander, before we started the exam, he gave us the matching rings and necklaces, if you can find him and show them to him, he'll be a great help."

"Wait, how do you know that you won't find him?"

"I'm a janissary here and because your going into the harem, Alexander will have to be someone that won't be questioned if he can see both of us since he gave us both the ring and necklace which means he will see both of us."

"That makes sense but what possible position in the ottoman court can a man have that you won't be questioned if you see a janissary soldier or a woman of the harm? Is there even a position where a man that isn't the sultan that can see a woman in the harm other than a eunuch?"

The door of the carriage opened and the old janissary got in, "are we ready to continue onwards?" I nodded, "yes, let's go but I have a question for you, is there any position a man can have that he won't be questioned if he sees or speaks to a woman of the harm and also sees a janissary?"

"That would probably be the grand vizier, why?" So Alexander must be the grand vizier, if I remember my history of Ahmed ii reign, the grand vizier name is Halil pasha, every few decades when Alexander wants to move on if he's living around people that don't know he's a vampire, he changes his name, taking on a whole new identity.

"Oh no reason, I'm curious to know what sort of people are going to be there at the ottoman court," the sultan will probably want to see me as soon as I arrive so it could well be that i run into Alexander when i see the sultan, I need to make sure my ring and necklace are visible for him to see them and know who I am. Being the grand vizier, he'll be a huge help to find what doesn't belong so I can finally go back home, for a while, I've had a bit of a theory about what it that doesn't belong but I'm not sure, I've been told that the only way to leave is not just to find it but to be sure, that is what doesn't belong. So if either me or Lorenzo isn't a 100% sure then we can't leave. My theory is that it's actually us that doesn't belong, it would make sense if that's what we're supposed to be searching for since we'll we're searching for a object, we never would realise that it's actually us. I can't be sure though, I need to get the court first and try to find what doesn't belong if it is a object, if I can't find anything then I'll come back to my theory that it's actually us that is what doesn't belong here.

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