Chapter 2

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"Wait a moment guys, I have something for you before you go into your exam," stopping to look back and see Alexander coming over to us, he looks our age but as a vampire, he's nearly 2 thousand years old, "what is it?"

I ask him, "here, these will help you during your test," he handed me and Lorenzo a pair of matching rings and necklaces, "how can these help us?"

I ask him, "here, these will help you during your test," he handed me and Lorenzo a pair of matching rings and necklaces, "how can these help us?"

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I ask as I put the necklace on and the ring on my index finger, once I put the necklace on, I helped Lorenzo because of much he struggled when putting the necklace on, "I met you where you were sent during your test, with these, if you use them wh...

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I ask as I put the necklace on and the ring on my index finger, once I put the necklace on, I helped Lorenzo because of much he struggled when putting the necklace on, "I met you where you were sent during your test, with these, if you use them when you both end up seeing me again, I'll recognise these and be able to help you in any way I can."

"We can't do that, we have to do this on our own," Lorenzo said, sounding so self-righteous as if you was a night of the round table, "shut up Lorenzo, if he's giving them to us which means it's already happened, we've already excepted them and met Alexander again wherever we are being sent. Which also tell us that something happens that means that something happened that required us to seek his help, isn't that right Alexander?"

"Yep, I remember our meeting there and I must warn you, I'm going to be bit reluctant to believe you since it's not every day you run into friends from the future that haven't even been born yet but I will believe you once you show me those rings and necklaces, I can't really do anymore than that to help you, plus you know some of the stories from my earlier hundreds if you need to capture younger me attention."

"That's true, thank you Alexander, it means a lot to us, I guess this isn't goodbye but a hello in a way, talking about yourself in different timelines in confusing sometimes," as me and Lorenzo stepped back, Alexander waved to us, "see you guys soon," he smiled before turning and walking away the way he came. "You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go shorty," Lorenzo ruffled my hair up, smacking his hand away, he shook his limp hand, "ow! That hurt! You bitch!"

"Your such a baby, come on, we don't want to keep the council waiting and I'm really not in the mood to deal with tae-o tantrum from being away from me for so long," grabbing Lorenzo hand, we ran to the training field where of test will begin, once we arrived, I let go of Lorenzo hand as we both heaved out of breath. The moment our sires saw us enter the training field, they ran over to us the fastest their little legs could carry them over, once they were close enough, we picked them up and held them in our arms, walking over the two magic circles that have drawn for us, we stood just in front of the circle, in front of us were the council sitting down at a table. All of these members of the council are the most powerful witches and wizards in the world, it takes decades to reach their level of power as they moved up the ranks to the top till they reached the highest rank which automatically makes you a member of the council.

The rank of council member is rank 150, with my powers and just being a student without a rank, I'm technically one the most powerful witch in whole of the coven, I'm apart of the largest coven in the world, there are some smaller covens but the moon and start coven is the biggest. It is possible with my powers at such a young age without a rank that I could end up being the youngest member of the council ever in the coven, I'll be famous for decades and maybe every century to come until someone comes along that's just as powerful as me and perhaps even younger than me.

"Lilly Kasteel and Lorenzo Luca, step toward into the circle," the council that runs the coven commanded us, with Anna in Lorenzo arms and tae-o in mine, we both stepped into our own circles, the moment we were both inside the circle, the 5 elements symbols started to blow, earth, air, fire, water and lastly spirit. "Now before it is too late, remember what you must know for your test, if you past this test then you will be given the first rank, the only information we can tell you about your test is that you must find what does not belong and you must protect the one your lives will evolve around," when the council activates the magic circle, our souls will travel to somehow in the past that they have chosen for us, we'll be reborn and have to live our lives their till we complete the test.

Where people are sent is constantly changing, no one has been sent to the same twice, in my older brother case with his witch, he was sent into this coven 90 years ago and ended up being reborn the same year as my grant grandmother and they grew up together, with my wand in my hair as a hair pin and Lorenzo staff was on his back. We were both ready to go, the small little bits of my hair that never stay put up, started to move around when power came up from the circle, it felt like a strong wild blowing, closing my eyes, my head was filled with new memories, these must be from the place where I will be reborn and live my life till me and Lorenzo can complete the test.

Memories like standing at the ocean, feeling the sea pool around my feet as I stand in the little waves that wash up on the sand, the first time feeling the sun on my face, my first words, at least I will get to keep my memories from this life when I'm reborn so I'll know how I am and what my purpose is and why I'm there.

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