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Lilly a bit of a know it all that hates to lose and can act petty when she loses or someone pisses her off, she's fiercely loyal to the people she cares about and is willing to do anything to protect them, Lilly can offer come off as a bit cold bu...

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Lilly a bit of a know it all that hates to lose and can act petty when she loses or someone pisses her off, she's fiercely loyal to the people she cares about and is willing to do anything to protect them, Lilly can offer come off as a bit cold but once you get past her mean outer shell, she's a fun and good friend with have.

Ever since Lilly was little, she's been more powerful than the rest, normal kids cast their first spell when their 6 and join the cover since that's when they start their magic training and their first spell is usually making bubbles where as Lilly cast her first spell when she was 2 and half, her first spell was making a tree sapling into a fully grown tree which would take a hundred years for it to grow it's size with fruit hanging from it. Because of a spell Lilly mum cast when she was pregnant with Lilly, before she realised that she was pregnant with Lilly, she was helping a some fairies make fairy dusk when the purple fairy dusk batch blew up in a cloudy of purple smoke, everything in the room was covered in purple fairy dusk, some of it absorbed into her skin and caused Lilly to be born with purple hair and purple eyes.

Because Lilly has fairy essence embedded into her DNA, she's not just got the power of witch but has some added powers of a fairy, she can't fly and has the body of a human instead of being 3 inches tall like the fairies, because Lilly has fairy essence in her, she has always been seen as the person the fairies want to speak to whenever they have business with the coven since she's both, Lilly would be at the meeting being the witches and fairies even though she's still a student and doesn't have a rank yet.

Lorenzo Luca is Lilly wizard partner and she is his best friend, Lorenzo has always been a bit of a play boy since he learnt how to charm a girl, besides Lorenzo mum and sisters, the only girl Lorenzo love is Lilly, she's like a sister to him and ...

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Lorenzo Luca is Lilly wizard partner and she is his best friend, Lorenzo has always been a bit of a play boy since he learnt how to charm a girl, besides Lorenzo mum and sisters, the only girl Lorenzo love is Lilly, she's like a sister to him and often gets him out of trouble if he casts a spell he can't really handle yet or he ends up getting a stage 5 clinger.

With some of her influence because of the fairy essence that's embedded into her DNA, Lorenzo has been able to train alongside some fairies even though their lifespan works a lot different compared to humans, witches and wizards, usually they live up to a hundred years or so where as a fairies lifespan is like a vampires except fairies don't live forever. Fairies live up to a thousand years, Lorenzo is very protective of Lilly and keeps a close eye on her when she dates, Lorenzo can be irritating and his specialty is defence spells rather than Lilly specialty is more of attack and diversion spells when it comes to fighting.

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