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There are only 2 outcomes in life, you either win or lose, in my case, I lost, I lost terribly, I lose the man I love and I was ripped away from him, even though I can never see him again and it has been over 10 years now since I last saw him, I will wait for however long it takes till we see each other again, for however long it takes. I don't care if I must wait for an eternity, I will wait for however long it will take till he can hold me in his arms again and tell me that everything is going to be alright, until then, I shall live my life and wait patiently till we can come together once again.

If I could, I would use my powers so would could be together again, I would be willing to even sacrifice all my magic and half of my life just so we can be together again for just an hour in his arms, that's all I want, all I will ever want from now to the day I die, it seems like only when I am died that I will finally find peace and I will stop missing him since I can not miss someone when I am died. When I first met him so many years ago, I was so naive back then and only seemed to realise the reality of it till I was taken away from him and by then, it was far, far to late.

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