Chapter 7

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Jodie paced back and forth in her trailer, the sun already dipping below the horizon outside. Filming had gotten back up and running a couple of days ago, and the script meant she and Y/N hadn't seen much of each other since, their separate scenes filmed simultaneously to save the time already lost. She had another scan over it the other day, and realised tomorrow was the one and only kiss in the whole film.

Her first kiss with Y/N.

Usually by now, she knew the fellow actor better, had gone out for dinner a few times, asked them more questions. She hadn't had the time, and now the date was looming ahead of her. She had press to do as well in about a week, which somehow seemed less daunting.

She sent a text.

Hiya, where are you?

Y/N replied quicker than she expected.

Just heading back to the hotel, done for today.

You busy tonight? I know a restaurant.

Jodie couldn't stop her fingers from typing. At least she didn't put a kiss beside it. It sent, and the read message popped up, but the three dots didn't. She swore under her breath. You've done it now, Jods.

What kind of restaurant?

Jodie found her breath once she realised she'd been holding it in and typed back.

You'll have to wait and see. Market square at 9 sound good?

Okay, see you there.

See you.

Crap. That only gave her an hour and a bit to get ready, book and get there, and she didn't even know any good restaurants nearby. She unplugged her phone and packed up, checking in the mirror once. She'd have to get out of these clothes first.


Y/N could feel every goosebump as the breeze swept around her bare legs. Even the coffee she had earlier wasn't warming her up. A clock nearby was starting to chime its nine chimes and Jodie still wasn't here.

She hadn't mentioned how formal or informal this was, so she'd gone for a dress, but this had proved too summery for April. Jeans and a top would've done fine.

"Hi! Sorry to be late."

Y/N turned and saw Jodie, her face glowing under the streetlights. No words came, so she just smiled.

"We're booked in for five past, it's just over this way. Come on."

Y/N let her take her hand across the zebra crossing.


The restaurant was great, but Y/N couldn't keep her eyes off Jodie. Her hair, floating just above her shoulders, her cotton red blouse and gold necklace. The way her eyes lit up when the meals came, her soft chuckle when Y/N made an attempt at a joke.

The excitement in her voice when she lead her along the streets to another place she said was a surprise.

No one could see them up here. No one was sat on the black metals chairs, no one in the closed restaurant. It was just them, looking across the city, leaning side by side on the railing.

"This is nice, isn't it?" Jodie said with a sigh.

"Yeah. It's great, actually."


"First time I've gone out in a while."

Jodie let out small laugh. "I don't know whether you've read ahead yet, but we've got a kiss tomorrow."

Y/Ns heart missed a beat. "Do we?"



The silence created an ache in Y/Ns chest she couldn't quiet explain. She opened her mouth to speak but Jodie spoke first.

"It's been amazing, getting to know you, Y/N." her hazel eyes seemed to soften as she turned to her. "Just wish we had more time, you know?"

"We've got plenty. It doesn't all end after we finish, unless, you want it to.." Y/N trailed off.

Jodie took a step closer, and another, until they were almost touching, their fingers brushing against each other. A twitch of smile formed and the space under her eyes crinkled. Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder and Jodie leaned into her arm, reaching in towards her.

Their lips met, a soft peck at first, a second that felt like forever. Y/N gasped after they pulled away, kissing Jodie back before either of them said anything. She shivered as Jodie's fingers stroked the back of her neck, playing with the chain of her necklace. She ran a hand through the tangled wisps of her hair, their lips still pressed together tightly, never wanting to let go.

A/N: I've realised this may end up being a shorter story than the rest. Oops. Also, how are we all?

Let's Fly Away - Jodie Whittaker x female reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon