Chapter Six

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The syrupy mixture of cough medicine slid down Y/Ns dry throat and she chugged some more from her water bottle. She lurched over again, the coughing making her feel like she was vomiting.

"Okay, it's okay." Jodie rubbed her back.

"How're my tests?" Y/N managed to get some speech out before spluttering.

"Still waiting on them. I've got a timer."

"How's she doing?" Y/N was aware of someone else. "Ah."

"There's three LFTs on the counter over there, they should be almost done."

"What about her temperature?"

"A little bit high but it's not a fever."

Y/N tilted her head back to hit the wall. Her breath came in shallow, shaky waves that seemed to dry out her lungs, almost like she couldn't get enough oxygen in. The side of her head was pounding and the words of others sounded blurry and slurred. She squeezed her eyes shut.

"Has anyone else been around her in the last 48 hours?"

"The majority of the film crew, we went to a cafe the other day but I don't remember many people. And you know..." Y/N felt Jodie grip her shoulder slightly. "Me. I'll have to isolate too. But she hasn't tested positive yet."

The other person remained silent. A blurry image of Jodies face appeared in front of Y/N, so close she blinked a few times and jerked back.

"Hi, how're you feeling?"

Y/N brought a fist to her mouth and coughed a little more. "I'm fine, yeah, absolutely fine."

The other person swam into view as well. "Y/N, I'm Kathy the first aider. Can you tell me everything that doesn't feel right?"

Y/N cleared her throat. "Well, I've got a really bad headache, I ache everywhere, I'm really hot, and I feel like absolute shit. Oh, and coughing up my own spit. Does that help?"

Kathy sighed. "Be glad it's not blood." She turned to Jodie. "You're doing a great job looking after her. I'll go notify Dan."

An alarm went off and Jodie checked the tests. Y/N only noticed when she sat down on her phone with a frown on her face.

"What're you doing?" she sat up, wheezing.

"Booking a PCR." Jodie replied bluntly.



"Mmm, Y/N, you're gonna love this breakfast. Smells absolutely delicious."

"Can't smell a thing." Y/N smiled as Jodie brought over the familiar brown bag and placed it on her lap. She glanced inside at the Day 7s selection. An intense tingle ran up her throat and she coughed it out, having a sip of cough medicine before taking out the food.

"One, two, three, four slices of cold buttered out-of-date packet of this even coffee?" she held up the takeaway cup.

Jodie hopped onto the bed beside her. "I have no idea. Try it and see."

"No thank you." Y/N grimaced at the greyish liquid.

"It might help your throat?"

"Ugh, I'd rather swallow a stick of butter."

"Okay." Jodie threw her hands up. "Can I have a look at the strawberries?"

"They look squished." Y/N passed them.

"They're only one day out of date." Jodie rummaged around the packet for suitable berries. "Here, this ones fine. And this one."

"Still out of date. And it looks like they've been kept in a frozen rubbish bin."

"Come on, you've got to have some vitamins. You can't just rely on supplements to prevent scurvy."

Y/N closed her eyes. "I'm not even hungry."

"Not yet you aren't. Have some toast at least." Jodie held up a slice.

"Jeez, Mum."

Jodie chuckled, settling into the pillows. "I'm not used to this sarcasm. What's in that cough medicine?"

Y/N downed another cap full. "Alcohol."

"That's enough for today then, already." Jodie took the bottle from Y/Ns hand.

"Hey!" Y/N crossed her arms. "I need that!"

Jodie stood and went to the rooms safe. She placed the medicine inside and locked the door, hiding the code. "And it's staying in there until tomorrow."

"Fine. I'm going to sleep." Y/N lay down on her side, curling up.

"Like a nocturnal animal?" Jodie closed the curtains.

"Like a nocturnal animal, yeah." Y/N said sleepily.

"Are you still okay sharing?" Jodie snuggled under the covers beside her, pulling the duvet over both their shoulders.

"Yeah." Y/N yawned.

Jodie chuckled. "So, what type of nocturnal animal are you then?"

Y/N thought. "Hmmm. A hedgehog."

"Why a hedgehog?"

"Spikes. Cute, but have spikes."

"Why do they use spikes do you think?"

"I don't know." Y/N said quietly.

Jodie moved closer, so close their bodies were pressed against one another. She placed an arm around Y/Ns waist, a shock like electricity radiating through her as Jodie's fingers pressed slightly against her hip. A few blonde locks came over Y/Ns shoulder and they brushed her cheeks, the aroma of tea tree shampoo relaxing her. Jodie shifted a little.

"Fear, maybe?"

"Yeah." Y/N gulped. "Maybe."

A/N: I struggled to find info online about what happens when actors have to quarantine during work so the hotel aspect might be a tad inaccurate.

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