Chapter Two

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Y/N sat on the steps outside the building, hugging her bag to her chest. It had almost been two hours to complete the read-through and she felt exhausted from just reading her lines. She took a deep breath and realised she still had her mask on, removing it and breathing in the fresh air, feeling it swirl in and out of her lungs, feeling the warm sunlight on her skin.

Her eyes glazed over the script as she started to learn the first scene. She imagined it inside her head, trying to get used to the new name she'd be called in front of the camera. Cara. She opened her phones front camera and squinted in the reflected brightness in her face. She frowned. She didn't look much like a Cara.

"We're allowed to go home you know." Jodie's voice appeared from behind her, making her jump. She watched as she waved and sat beside her.

"Yeah. My bus is in an hour yet though. I just thought I'd enjoy the weather."

"I agree, it's a lovely day." Jodie brought out her phone and checked the weather. "18 degrees Celsius. Aah." she sighed.

"I'd say I hope it lasts, but it's February, so not much point." Y/Ns attempt at a joke came out dry as a duster but Jodie let out a small breath of a laugh.

"Feels like June though. Birthday came early. When's yours if you don't mind me asking? Birthday, I mean."

"26th. Nine days after yours." Y/N fiddled with the zip of her bag.

"Aw! That's so close!"

Yet so far away.

"So, enjoy the read through?" Jodie squinted in the sun.

"I guess so." Y/N struggled at what to say. "I didn't expect it to be as long? With lockdown and everything we shouldn't, you know, be doing it for longer than necessary."

You sound like a robot. Pull yourself together.

"Well, I suppose you'll have to spend more time with me then." Jodie shrugged. "Won't that be a shame."

"Yep, a big shame."

There was an awkward silence between them. Jodie picked a piece off her sandwich and chucked it down the steps. A flock of pigeons came and fought over it for a while, before one flew off with it and the others chased it. Y/N took a glup of her water bottle and some of it dribbled down her. She hastily tried to dry and cover it up again.

Jodie glanced at the clock on top of the nearby building to distract herself and ate her lunch. Y/N rummaged in her bag for her phone and pretended to check her messages, of which she didn't have any, and just swiped from side to side on her home screen, tapping occasionally.

"You know." Jodie began.

"Hm?" Y/N looked up at her, having another drink.

Jodie paused, making direct eye contact. "I've got no idea how we're going to film the kissing."

Y/N spat out her water onto the stone. "What?" Jodie chuckled. "It's a bit hard to. Do we kiss a green-screen block between us or something like that?"

"Really?" Y/N raised her eyebrows.

"Green-screen masks?" Jodie continued.

Don't say it Y/N. Really, don't.

"Air kissing even? Hey I don't know!" Jodie laughed.

Don't don't don't don't....

"Guess you'll just have to kiss me then."

Shit. Well done.

"I guess so." Jodie said quietly.

Y/Ns cheeks grew hot and she looked down at her bag resting in her lap as silence fell again. She had another drink even though her stomach gargled with nothing but liquid.

"Could I...have you number?" Jodie asked. "For practicality reasons." she added quickly.

"Yeah, um, I'll write it down." Y/N rummaged for some paper and a pen. She pretended to sigh a long sigh to calm herself down before handing over the paper. Their fingers brushed against one another's and Y/N tried to ignore it. "There." she gulped.


Y/Ns phone pinged and she checked the message, a new number.

"That's me." Jodie said simply. "Ooh, nice background." She leaned over Y/Ns shoulder. "Is that a rainbow?"

Y/N quickly locked her phone and closed the case, heart beating and cheeks flushing. "Yeah."

"Nice." Pause. "Sorry for all the personal questions, I wanna know you if I'm gonna be kissing you. Gotta make the acting as good as we can, you know?"


Let's Fly Away - Jodie Whittaker x female reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang