I step inside of Stiles' blue jeep which is relying on duct tape to keep it functioning. I startle as I see Liam in the passenger seat.
"What's a criminal trover?" he asks when Stiles enters the car, holding a piece of paper in his hand.

"Doesn't matter." Stiles snaps the paper out of his hands and I bite back a laugh.


"Where are we going?" I groan, "We have spent two hours stalking Theo playing video games." It's already dark outside, but Stiles seems desperate about finding something.
"Actually, I'm pretty sure it was three." Liam comments.
"Just look. He's parking. Come on, both of you."

Liam and Stiles get out of the car, but the door on my side won't open. I grunt in frustration.

"Out of the car, Sadie." Stiles whines impatiently like a child.
"Your door is stuck." I say, but he doesn't hear me. Liam does and smiles.

I clench my fist and open it again, claws coming out where, one second before, normal nails had been. Stiles' mouth falls open.

"Don't you dare, don't you dare-"

Liam and I are both laughing, and for some reason, Stiles doesn't understand that I'm bluffing. I take out my phone and quickly take a picture of his face before opening the door on the other side.

"That wasn't funny. Now let's go." Stiles walks away angrily, and Liam nearly snorts. I lightly shove his shoulder and start following Stiles.

We walk for ten minutes before Liam stops in his tracks.
"What happened, why aren't you walking?" I ask.
"I forgot... I was supposed to meet Mason at the school gym." he mutters.
"Okay, so... why don't you just tell him something, anything?" Stiles suggests.
"Because I haven't..." Liam puts his hands in his pockets, "I haven't told him everything. It's not that easy."
"Liam, Scott and I have been through this, okay? Sadie has, too. So have all of us. More than once. It's going to get easier once you tell him." Stiles continues walking.

"He's right. It's always better when they know." I assure Liam, even though I understand how hard it is- I could barely get the words out when I had to tell my mother about my abilities.

Liam doesn't stop overthinking. "What if he freaks out? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he tries to stab me with something silver? Or what if-" Thud.

I spin around, and the earth has swallowed Liam whole.

A groan echoes out of the ground. "Yup."

I trace my steps back by three and discover a hole. Liam lies inside of it. Stiles walks up to it hastily.

"What are you doing? Can you stop messing aro-" he freezes. "He's over there!" he whispers aggressively.

"Need help?" I offer Liam a hand, but he declines, and so I catch up with Stiles, who is crouching behind a fallen tree. I gaze over the trunk and control a gasp. Theo is standing on the bridge right in front of us.

"What's up with him? Do you smell anything?"

I take a long inhale, concentrating on his scent, trying to get past the sickening amount of cologne. His scent somehow feels colder. Not literally, but the smell seems as if it has its own feeling now.
"Something's upsetting him." I conclude. Liam appears next to me.
"He's sad. Not just sad, it's more like... grief." Liam says.

Our eyes are stuck to him. We watch as he pulls a white flower from a paper bag and gently tosses it into the stream.

"Oh my God." Stiles squeaks and places his hands on my shoulder, forcing me to turn around. "Let's go. Let's go. Right now. Just go." he urges.
"Why, what's wrong?"
"It's the bridge where they found his sister."
"What? What sister?"
"The one who got lost and died from exposure. He's leaving a flower for her." Stiles waves his arm around violently as he continues to walk aggressively.
"That doesn't sound evil-"
"I know!"

If We Could | Teen Wolf | Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now