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It's been a week she's been arrived at Australia but there is no sign of Lisa anywhere she wanted to talk to her soo bad and ask her suggestion but she's nowhere to be found.

Jimin contact her when she first arrived whether she arrive safely or not.Starring from that they used to chat every night video calls and texts which she makes sure even though she's apart from him she keep in touch with him.

She always make herself free at night to talk with Jimin because he is only free at night.She always wanted to come back to Australia when she was in America but now she want to go back to there again sometime she wonder when will his work finish and she can come back.

She was in her dreamland when she got a phone ring beside her bed it's still 9 in the morning she didn't use to get up this time.Roseanne lazily pick up her phone without looking at the ID

"Heyy bitchh do you miss me?" A girl voice shout from the other side which make Roseanne shock a moment.She look at the caller ID and saw it was non other than who neglect her for a whole week Lisa

Roseanne [Where have you been?Do you know how many time I call you?You asshole!!!]

Lisa open the spekar while unpacking her suitcase so Roseanne's voice is spreading around her room which she close her ears immediately

Lisa [Yeahh I know that's why I call you back.]

Rosanne [Where have you been?]

Lisa [I was in Paris and the connections are not stable that's why I didn't pick up your phone]

Rosanne [Oh goshh!! I thought you died.]

Lisa let out a chuckle her friend is always like that she never talk softly to others

Lisa [Why you call me?Do you really miss me that much?I thought you are happy with your big dick}


Roseanne can't help but to laugh who dare to give dangerous mafia's name to big dick.Lisa never afraid of someone if Jimin heard this she doesn't know what he will do to Lisa.

Roseanne[Are you jealous that I got a big one while you got a small one?]

They laugh at the same time.Whoever heard this conversation will think they are rude and wild one but they just enoying to tease each other soo much.

Lisa [Hahhha you know I don't like a small one]

Roseanne [Lol yes I know.Just leave it then so are you arrived back to Australia?]

Lisa[Yes I arrived last night.]

Roseanne[Good then I will come to your apartment]

Lisa[Wait don't tell me that you also arrived back?]

Roseanne[Well unluckily yes I arrived a week ago that's why I'm contacting you a lot.I'm just fucking bored in this house]

Lisa[Okay come quickly I'll be waiting for you I have a lot of questions to ask you.You better be hurry]

Roseanne[Hahha okay bye see you]

Before LIsa could reply she already hung up the phone and headed to the bathroom to shower

After having her breakfast and changing her clothes she's soo ready to go.She can't go out a week because of Jimin he didn't let her to go out as she wish if she wants to go,she has to call Jungkook and some guards, she really hate that.

"Where will you go Roseanne?" That voice she really hate to hear

"Wherever I go do I need to report you?Are you my parents or my boyfriend?" Roseanne said while tying her sneakers

"If you don't want to tell me at least ask for Jimin's permission"Jungkook stand in front of her covering her to go

"I don't need anyone's permission move to the side" Roseanne push him who standing in front of the door covring the door lock but he didn't move a little.

Roseanne let out an evil chuckle seeing he will not let her go,she step his feet with her high and thick sneaker but he act like nothing happens.

She again step his feet with force this time he hurt really much she can seen in his eyes but he didn't move a bit.Knowing he will not let her go even though if she step his foot with knife she give up and pick up the phone on her bag to call Jimin.On the third ring he pick up

"Are you awake soo eraly?"Jimin watch the clock on his office's wall.She didn't usually wake up this time.

"Yes I slept early last night that's why"She said in a cute voice who wants something

"What do you want?"Jimin know her very much her changing tone when she needs something he chuckle at her childness she act like a strong woman but indeed she is a child

"I want to meet my friend who just arrived from the Paris last night we haven't met each other since I lived with you.But Jungkook didn't let me go and stubornly he is covering my way.Babyy pleasee I really want to gooo~''

Roseanne said in aegyo voice but outside she is shooting a death glare to Jungkook

Jimin can't help but to laugh.This girl is really getting on his nerves she knows how to melt him.She try to get whatever she wants using her aegyo voice.There is nothing he can't restist of her and there is no way he can let go of this girl

"Which friend? Girl or boy?"Jimin calmly ask her eventhough inside he is shaking like hell

"UwU babyy it's just a girl,Lisa do you know right?Don't be jealous you know I'm all yours~"Jungkook laugh at the voice changes of Roseanne there is no way Jimin didn't let her go if she keep using this voice

"Okay go.But let Jungkook and guards follow you or else I can't insecure" Roseanne let out a deep sigh she knows he is doing for her safety but there is no way his enemies will follow to Australia

"As you wish" She hung up the phone without listening his reply back

"Now tell me where I have to send you?"Jungkook look at the message on his phone that Jimin order him to follow and protect her

Roseanne shoot a death glare before storming out from the house to the car.Jungkook was about to go when he got another message from Jimin

Jimin [Follow everywhere Roseanne go.Chanyeol is also in Australia right now may be Jennie send him to look after her.Take care of everything.It's an order]

To be continued

Hii finally my exams are over🤩🤩
I wanna ask something who you want to see as a love rival of Roseanne in next book?(I mean girl)
That's all thank u for reading🤩❤️❤️

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