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Lisa take her to the salon first before they headed for the club.Jungkook was telling over and over again not to go but these two girls can't be controlled.

"Roseanne listen to me if Jimin knows that you went to the club,I will be the first to died" Jungkook said when she out of the salon, wearing a tight skinny dress shows all of her cleavage line.She changed her hair colour black into light purple.

"It's the 10th time you are saying that" Roseanne didn't care at all as she went into the car along with Lisa

"And still you didn't listen to me"Jungkook roared as he stood in front of the car door not letting her go.

"Oh gosh.Does Jimin is her father or mother?She is not a child she can go everywhere she went.Fuck this shit out" Lisa said in annoyed voice.She can't take it anymore

"Roseanne you know more about Jimin.At least let me ask his permission first if you don't want to ask" Jungkook took out his phone to send a message but Lisa was quick enough to fetch the phone on his hand and put it on the side pocket of Roseanne's tight dress

"Go ahead and take it out let me see how Jimin will react to this scence.His trusted bodyguard is shoving his hand down in Roseanne's dress.And I'll take a video of that how will be fun to watch" Lisa playfully said

"Give me back" Jungkook said calmly not wanting to make any scence here

"Don't you have hands?Get it by yourself.Go ahead" Lisa knows that he won't never do that's why she is challanging him.

"If you don't leave our way,Choose one you will come with us or stay here"This time Roseanne said pushing him a side and get into the car.

Lisa wink at him before she enter.Saying

"Yeah we are some bitches you can't manage"

(Pretty Savage~)


The club

Alchohal,drug and smoking scent can smell since they enter inside.This is the club that they used to go before anything this happen.

Lisa was with some random guys while Roseanne was with Mark all the time but now things are changed she didn't even know how will she face him when they met once again.

Lisa is dancing in the crowded era while Jungkook and some bodyguards take their space in every corner of the club

"Alone again?" Roseanne was drinking wine alone siting on the bar counter when she heard a familiar voice beside her.

"Chanyeol?Why are you here?"He take a seat beside her ordering some whiskey that she never heard of it.

"Is this the place where I can't come?"

"Excuse me,I will go first"Roseanne was about to stand up when he held her wrist making her to sit down back

"Don't worry I don't do anything to you.What are you scared of? if I moved a liitle wrong Jungkook's bullet will be already in my head"Chanyeol said as signaling the place where Jungkook is.

"You already known and still come to talk to me?"

"Don't you want to know more about your sister?"His words make Roseanne tense at the spot.

"Or should I say your long lost sister Jennie?"His every words was a thunder to her.

"I don't want to know let go of me" Roseanne struggling against his grip but it more tightened

"Chanyeol I think you should go back if you don't want this case to Jimin knows" Jungkook come and held his wrist that was gripping her hand.Chanyeol chuckle and let go of her.

"However Jimin will know it"

"He will" Jungkook aim the gun at his lower body not wanting to obvious in front of a lot of people

"If you still want to fuck some kind of sluts don't touch what's Jimin's" Chanyeol also have gun with him but this is not his place this is not America that he can do as he wants more over he brings not many guard.He give a death glare at Roseanne before he left.

"Let's go back"Jungkook signal the guard to clear the way while he lead her to the elevator.

"How about Lisa?Go and bring her!"Roseanne ordered however she was not in a mood to stay here anymore but she didn't leave her friend alone here.

"She'll be fine.Let's go"

"I won't go back without her"Roseanne still remained at her spot not moving a bit.Jungkook sigh this girl is really stubborn

"Just stay here don't go anywhere.I will be back"Jungkook said as he left her with bodyguards.

Jungkook search for Lisa but there is no sign of her.He went to the crowded area and there he saw her kissing some random guys while her body clingling onto that man's body.

"Fuck" he mummered under his breath and went straight to her.Jungkook hold her wrist and dragged her out of the crowded people.

"Who the fuck...."Lisa was about to yell when she saw Jungkook's angry expression,her mouth auto shut.Jungkook dragged her to the elevator but she stubbornly said she won't go.

"Whtat the fuck is wrong with this two girls"Jungkook can't control himself anymore.He can't with this girls

"Kiss me if you want me to go"He look back at him like what the hell is going on!

This girl is really over limit.He can't think of anymore and he rush to cupped her cheek pressing his lip against hers roughly.

His tongue professionally went inside her mouth intertwined with her tongue.Lisa's body started to burn.She didn't know it becasue of the drug that she took a while ago or because of this man's hot kiss.

She feel herself needy.In her life,she never wanted someone more than she want him.Jungkook let go of her when she's out of breath but Lisa didn't feel satisify she wants more.

He didn't give her time to come back to her scence when he dragged her toward the elevator.Once they got there Roseanne was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Roseanne?"He asked one of the guard

"She said she will go to the toilet but it took long enough that's why I send one guard to look after her"

"Leader,I didn't see her at the toilet!"One guard rushed to him and said along with other guard come behind

"Leader,the gurds inform that Boss Jimin is in Australia"

"Fuck it,You all go and look for Roseanne.I will send her back first" Jungkook order them as he lifted her body in his arm not wanting to waste more time dragging her.

To be continued

This is just the preview.I'm really sorry for my bad writing🤦‍♀️

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