Chapter 25

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*Long chapter y'all*😉

"What did she tell?"Roseanne ask about Jennie words to him.She doesn't understand but one thing for sure is she is talking about her.The way Jennie look at her while talking it will not be a good thing everything that come out from her mouth.

"It doesn't matter.I don't want you to know" Jimin didn't want to say it the threating word of Jennie to her she will be afraid and he didn't let that happen.

"But I want to know"Jimin look at the surronding whether there is someone looking at them or not

"She said she will kill you" He walked straight to her cupping,her tiny face in his big tattoo hand

"Roseanne I will never let anyone hurt you.I'll handle her don't worry" He continued.Roseanne head up her face to meet his eyes.She can see love,caring and worry in his eyes even though he is telling her not to worry but she saw the worriness on his face.

He worried that she'll hurt,he worried that he will lose her.Everything about her is making him worried and afraid.In his whole life he never afraid of something only other people afraid of him but when she came to his life when he first saw her five years ago he started to feeling this emotion.

Jennie is right Roseanne is not into his world she is soo pure innocent sometime he even thought about letting go of Roseanne he is afraid that she will be in danger because of him.As he has a lot of enemys beside him he afraid of they will target her as his weakness.

"I trust you"Roseanne said smiling widely at him she didn't has to tell because that can see on her face

"I will come back just wait here.Don't be afraid my guards are everywhere around you" Roseanne look around and saw a lot of guards in black suit taking their place in every corner of the ball.Roseanne feel shiver by looking at them they had a tall and big body which can easily fight 3 or 4 guys in one shot.

"Come back quickly" Roseanne didn't want to stay here anymore after meeting Jennie and she feels like someone is staring at her since she come.

"Don't worry.No one dare to touch you without your permission or they will face their worst nightmare ever" Jimin peck her lip before he go after smiling at her he went out from the dancing area.

"Tell me the situation Jungkook"Jimin ask wearing earpiece in his ear.

"As we guess there is somone on the other rooftop aiming sniper on Roseanne"Jungkook said who is also on the rooftop scaning the situation of the ball from the top.

They are right actually Jimin is right that he knows Jennie will do something tonight.That's why he told Jungkook to scan the whole situation from the roof top secretly.

"Great keep an eye on him don't let him shoot first make sure you were the first to shoot"Jimin order walking towards the private room where Jennie tell him to meet

"How about V do you see something strange?"

"No I didn't see any strange till now but if my guess didn't wrong Jennie is not the person who will make things obvious she will work silently and you won't even know when she will kill her" V who is checking the cctv of the ball area.His men are aiming their gun at the securities who try to stop them at the entrance.

CCTV area is secrect that no one can come only the host of this ball can enter and the host is one and only
•Jennie Ruby Jane

Jimin think about what V said he is right she is not that kind of person and she is not really stupid to place one man on the rooftop and aiming a sniper obviously without caring anyone.

So the possible is she is playing with them and a sniper man is just a bait he is not the one who will kill Roseanne there will be someone behind him who will kill Roseanne.

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