Confession and apology

Start from the beginning

Soo hyun was on her way to go her house. One of her friends called her. " hello.... Yes... Yes he still want me to be pregnant. But i dont want to.... Yeah i know.... Yes... Bye". Someone tapped soo hyun back. It was lisa. "umm...who are you? Do i know you?" soo hyun asked. "you will not know me. I know you. Im your husbands first love. And i can help you with you not being pregnant. Will you accept your offer" Lisa asked with an innocent face. Soo hyun thinked hard. "yes i will. Lets see what can you do" soo hyun said. Lisa smirked and shaked there hands.

Lisa did a plan with her and gaved soo hyun some medicines with instructions how to take it. But if you skip even a day she might be pregnant. Soo hyun believed in it and thanked her.

Soo hyun went home after meeting her. When she opened the door there was jimin standing as if he knows something. Soo hyun was scared to death. She betrayed her own loving.
husband. Jimin just smiled and asked why she was late. Soo hyun made a story. And stupid jimin believed in it.

Day by day passed away. Soo hyun started using medicine. It showed some side effects. Jimin knew she was hiding something. Soo hyun was taking medicine like as always. Jimin came inside the room. Soo hyun managed to hide the medicine. But she couldn't hide the glass that was with the water that she used to eat medicine. "what are you doing? Are you hiding something?" jimin asked her. " Its nothing. I just got shocked when you came in here after saying that your going hospital" soo hyun said to him. Jimin nooded. But he really didn't believed in it.

Jungkook was alone with Jisoo. Anyone can see the anger in jisoo eyes. "actually.... Why do you hate me that much?" jungkook asked her. "its because you always really close with jin. And you know that he is MY boyfriend."jisoo said. That made jungkook laugh." im sorry jisoo. Im not trying to steal your man. Im really sorry. And also i see him as a big brother. So don't worry. Im not going to steal him from you. Please dont hate me that much. It make me really uneasy to see you looking at me with those angry eyes" jungkook said to her. She gaved jungkook a sweet smile. But she didn't say anything stayed.

After few seconds jin came to there room. "hey babe. Oh hi koo. There is a party tonight. Will you come? Its gonnabe fun" jin asked. I saw Jisoo face. "yeah i will...i need to go bye" jungkook just walked away. Jin felt weird. He felt how unfriendly that jungkook was. "why?.... Did i do something wrong? He seems to be really angry" jin said to jisoo. That made jisoo feel bad.

Jungkook got ready to go party with taehyung. But at the moment he was in the party taehyung went with someone else. Jungkook was alone drinking some drinks. Jimin came at the same time. They both were alone. "your alone? Where is taehyung. I saw him with you" jimin asked jungkook. "yeah he went somewhere else with that stupid girl. Jimin laughed." you came with who? "jungkook asked." my wife...soo hyun" jimin said to him. "oh...thank to you that you have a lover..."jungkook said to him out of nowhere. "you dont have?" jimin said just to talk him. "i have a crush on someone. But he doesn't know that i do have crush on him. Everyone said not to make eye contact with him. But i did. And i fell in love with him. But what to do he already have a wife" jungkook said to him. Jimin looked at his drink with a shock face. He knew that jungkook was talking about him. "ooh. going there. She is alone. Bye. Enjoy the night" jimin said to him. Jungkook cried. Cried hard in the dark that no one whould see him. 'why?... Just why can't i be happy like others?... Just whyyy?' jungkook talked to himself. Then, he remembered his grandma's wording. "be patient. Love is something that comes in unexpected ways. But you have to be careful with it. Love can even be bitter than salt. But also love can be sweeter than sugar. All you have to do is...wait. Wait for the perfect time". 'When she said it to me i took it as a joke back then. But now i think its a useful word. Im sure she is supporting me up there with the stars' jungkook said to himself and sobbed.

"kookie.... Jungkook... Are you crying? What happened?" taehyung asked. Jungkook wiped his tears "i...i...indirectly said jimin that i have feelings for him. I....i think he got it. B...but he...he just ignored and went to his wife. And...and also i...i miss my grandma too". Jungkook explained. "oh my baby koo. Its gonna be okey. Maybe he needs time to think. Lets go to your grandma. Where is she?" taehyung hugged jungkook and asked. Jungkook laughed. "she is up there with grandpa and the starts" jungkook showed the stars. Taehyung smiled. "maybe they are with my grandma too" taehyung said and gaved a sad smile.

Jin and jisoo came near to jungkook and taehyung. Jin and jisoo looked up and to them. "what are you two looking at? I can't see anything... Babe can you see anything up there?" jin asked to them. Taehyung and jungkook laughed hard. Jungkook looked into jisoo and smiled. "we just missed our grandma. And we are planning to visit them...right tae" jungkook said to them and just walked away giving a sweet smile to them. Jin again looked into jungkook in a suspicious way. "why is he avoiding me? I really think i did something that i didn't do" jin said. "wait here. I need to talk with him about something" Jisoo said to them showing jungkook. They nooded and stayed there looking for a nice fight. Because thats what they always do.

"jungkook" Jisoo called out. Jungkook looked at her with a shocking face. " not in the mood for a fight" jungkook said and about to walk away. But jisoo just hold his hand. "im not here for a fight. Im here to...." jisoo didn't finish her words. Just stayed. "what do you want jisoo?" jungkook asked her sweetly " sorry...i didn't mean to make you and jin to be separated. I was just too jealous. You can be friendly as before. Its okey. Im sorry for saying that" Jisoo said to him by looking at her feet. Jungkook smiled and hugged her. Others were waiting for there shouting too. But they couldn't believe there own eyes too. Jungkook hugged her and said it okey. Jisoo herself couldn't believe that he hugged her. She was sad for what she said to him. Jungkook is the sweetest person that jisoo ever met. Jungkook smiled to them and just walked away. Jimin was the only one who noticed there was tears in his eyes. Jin asked what happened. Jisoo just said that she wanted to say something and just changed the subject.

Like everyday soo hyun took the medicine. But for few weeks soo hyun forgot where she kept the medicine. When she saw the medicine it was too late. She found out that she was pregnant. But didn't tell jimin yet. She tried to call lisa. But she didn't pick up her phone. Soo hyun just hated her. The reason why she lost the medicine was jimin too the medicine away from her. He took it away just to look what kind of a medicine was that. He didn't returned it or talked about it was because he couldn't get a time for look it properly. Jimin looked into it. The label shows it as its a multivitamin medicin. Jimin wanted to joke about it with her. But he didn't. Little did he know the tablet inside the bottle was something else. Something like she wouldn't get pregnant. Jimin just forgot about it and started to live with her in a normal life.

Someone who has dark blue hair man who look like 30 was walking into jimin's house. Which made everyone gasp in shock by seeing his face. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? HUH?!" that was the first thing he heard. "mom.... Dad please listen to me something happened to me. Thats why i wasn't there when namjoon was borned. Please im begging you" he said to them with a pleading eyes.

Thats the ending of the chap. Who do you think it is?

Hope you all enjoy my story. Please vote and comment. I want so feedbacks🥺❤️

Borahae 💜

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