Chapter 01: Prologue

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Lauren's POV

I graduated from college and started my job as a junior accounting at one of the International companies in this city, New York, a year ago. It had been a year I worked for this company. It was nothing great nor bad about this job. I had nothing I could complain about. My salary was slightly above the average. I could pay for my rent, the maintenance cost of the house, buy my food, and live an average life. That was enough, at least for now.

I was neither a cheapskate nor a spendthrift. I was the average. I spent on what I needed. I spoiled myself a little with something I loved, and I had some savings. I spent most of my money on books and food. I loved to read, and I loved to eat. I would not spend money on the gym like some of my friends did, but I would go swimming or jog at the park. I loved seeing people with a good fashion sense, but I was not into it. My style was average.

People said my kind of job was one of the most boring jobs in the world. Honestly, they were neither wrong nor right. I loved numbers, and I did not like to interact with people too much, so this job was just perfect for me. I dealt with numbers and analysis reports, and I did not have to meet and talk to people too much. So, everything about this job was good for me. I had not thought of my ultimate career goal yet since I never thought about it, and I was not an ambitious person. Probably, with such character and attitude, I might stay forever as an average accountant in this famous city.

How did I end up in this city? That was a long story. No, it was not. It was probably, once again, one of the average stories that had been told. I came from an average family in Miami. My parents loved me, and they were so proud of my numeracy skills. They sent me to one of the best colleges in New York to pursue my financial-economics degree, that I could have a decent job and be a successful finance expert. That was their dream for me, so they sent me to New York and live with my grandmother.

Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away a year ago, not long after I graduated and got my first job. She left the house for me as I was her most favorite grandchild. I knew some of my cousins were not happy, but nothing I could do about that. Since it was a four bedrooms house and it was too big for me. I decided to rent it out and rent a two bedrooms apartment. I had passive income that could cover my basic needs. I could also save time and money as I did not have to commute any longer. At this point, I had a little more than average, but I was not rich. I had to thank my grandmother for everything as it made my life easier, at least from the financial point of view.

My parent's wish was not mine. I did not mind their arrangement and dream for me as they never insisted on it. They said whatever they wished for, but they never really demanded anything from me. Probably, I still loved what I did, working with numbers, so I just went along with their suggestion. Besides playing with numbers, I loved drawing. My parents knew I loved drawing. They appreciated it, but they seemed to be prouder with my numeracy skills. However, I was glad I came to drawing and found it very useful for me. I, who was not easy expressing my feelings, expressed them through my drawing.

My parents did not interfere much with my career, but they were more into my love life. I could understand why they were concerned or asked me about my love life since I was in college. It got more intense when I graduated, especially my mother. My father always told me to tell him if I had someone I liked. He just wanted to make sure I did not choose the wrong guy, While my mother was different, she said that I had to live my life and experience love and romance as others did. She was worried that I would end up alone without love only with my boring life.

Probably, my mother was right. My life was boring, unlike my brother and sister, Chris and Taylor who had way cooler and colorful lives than me. I got one of the most boring jobs. My love life was even duller. I never dated and had a boyfriend. I even never had a boy or a girl who had a crush on me. I never went to a prom with someone special as I had none. I was sure that my parents knew I had not gotten my first kiss. I might have had a little crush here and there during my school years, but it never lasted long when I knew I did not stand a chance for those whom I liked to notice me. My heart was as virgin as my body.

That was what my best friend said whenever we talked about love and romance. My only best friend, Keana. We knew each other since we were fifteen. We moved to New York together. We lived in my grandmother's house until six months ago when we decided to move to a smaller place, two bedrooms apartment which was close to our offices. Keana and I had different characters, but we got along and understood each other well. Keana was an extrovert, cheerful, and a go-getter, while I was an introvert, reserved, calmer, and less ambitious. We both were easygoing and we both loved art and food.

Since we graduated, we spent less time together than we used to be. We still managed to spend time together. Sometimes, we would have dinner together on weekdays and spend a day or two during the weekend. We both loved spending time watching a movie as well. We usually picked a rom-com movie when we watched it together. Keana would watch it and experience it in real life, while I would watch it and be stuck in the movie.

It was no doubt as Keane was the girl next door and I was the average girl. She was always cooler than me, and people always noticed her first than me, or even I was invisible. Nevertheless, She never discouraged me, and she always encouraged me. She said I would have my romance one day. I also never envied Keana as we were two different people with different journeys of life. We were different, but we were good friends, and we loved each other and would always support each other.

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