Start from the beginning

She grabbed the keys kept in a potted plant and entered the house. It was empty, and as quiet as a mouse, except for the welcoming meow of Mews, one of her favourite creatures in the world.

Mews was a beautiful, ginger cat, with big green eyes and a loveable demeanour. The cat had quickly formed a bond with the Gry girl, she'd read her required textbooks aloud to her so that Rosie would simultaneously learn and enjoy the company of her beloved Mews.

The cat nuzzled up against her feet, giving her a meow, as if to say, 'Hello!'

Rosie grinned, that startled feeling melting away as she kneeled to pet Mews, "Hello my gorgeous girl!" The brunette's tone shifted to somewhat of a baby-talk voice, as she smothered the cat with well-deserved love and affection.

She couldn't wait to spend time with her.

•. ° . * .·. . ✧:. ·.

MEWS HAD FLED to Dustin's room, assuredly wanting some alone time, so Rosie had made herself at home, sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. Nothing particularly thrilling was on, mostly infomercials with cheesy graphics and loud theme music, nothing too entertaining. Which was why she practically jumped out of her skin when she heard the phone ringing.

Rosie jumped off of the couch, made her way to the phone and picked it up, "The Hendersons aren't home at the moment, this is Rosie speaking?"


The Gry girl blinked in confusion at first, before her eyes widened in recognition, "Max?!"

"Hi," Rosie could practically hear her smile through the line, "How're you doing?"

"Um, great? How did you know I was at Dustin's house?"

There was a short pause.

"Uh, you told me?"

Rosie mentally slapped herself. Would Max think that she didn't value their conversations, therefore didn't remember minuscule details? She swallowed, before letting out an awkward laugh, "Right! Sorry. Haven't had the best day."

"You and me both," Max grumbled, with a mostly light-hearted undertone, "So...you babysit cats?"

"And what about it?"

Max laughed, a low and pleasant sound that was music to Rosie's ears, "It's kind of adorable."


"I mean, yeah," Max continued, "Is this like, a job, or something? Like, do you get paid?"

"Not much, but every penny counts," Rosie told her, shrugging her shoulders despite the fact no one was there, "And yeah, but it's mostly Dustin. Not too many cats need babysitting."

"Ya don't say?"

"Shut up," Rosie giggled, a significantly higher but still pleasant sound Max found to be the greatest sound in the world, "Sure, having one of your closest friends be a cat isn't the coolest, but we all can't be...cool skateboarders!"

She physically cringed at her own words, she was practically digging herself a deeper hole!

"You think I'm cool?" Max asked, playfulness practically dripping off her words.

Rosie silently sighed a sigh of relief, at least she didn't think she was lame.

"Yeah. I do," Rosie answered earnestly, leaning against the wall as she let out a silent sigh. Not one of frustration, or irritation, but more out of pure bliss, "I think it's cool how you're so...open. You say what you want, I admire that."

Sunshine, Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now