Back again.

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                  You walk back inside of your house. Your greeted by your mom, you step dad and step brother are on the couch.
You look over and roll your eyes. You pick your bags back up and go to your room. It looked different, you smile as you see pictures of you and your dad on the wall.

"I miss you more than you could imagine" a tear streams down you face, then you hear a loud knock on your door. "Come in!"

You watch the door open. Your step brother walks in and looks at you.

"I didn't notice you were here sorry." He says.

You shrug. You've known his since you were little. But every year you get more and more distant. Most people don't mess around with latrelle. But he's just a big softie on the inside. He's always been really nice, he's just the type to be an amazing person behind closed doors. But in front of his friends he acts a whole different way. He might not live with you, but it feels like he does. He's always at the house.

"It's been, quiet without you here." He looks at you "I'm sorry for how I treated you before you left"

You hear a loud knock and look over. Latrelle looks over too. You see Jamal wave at you. You look at Latrelle.

"Who's that?" He asked, looking a little pissed.

"It's no one, just my friends." You look at him "go let them in, please?" You asked.

He goes and opens the door. Then goes back to his room. Cesar,ruby, and Jamal walk into your room. You smile and hug Cesar, then ruby, then Jamal. They sit down on your bed, you get up and close the door.

"Sorry about Latrelle, he doesn't like you guys since spooky and his guys jumped one of his dudes" you say

"He's just pissed, that he can't do anything about it" Cesar says, and shrugs

You smile. You always liked Cesar, but you liked his brother so it was really weird to like Cesar. You kind of just liked them all, you couldn't help it Yk? You looked at Cesar, he was messing with one of your necklaces.

"Who's cut out of this picture?" he asked and gave it to you. "It's a picture of us all,"

Ruby looks over your shoulder, "it's spooky," you say "I didn't cut him out of this. Latrelle did." You roll you eyes.

Cesar looks at his phone. Then looks at you "spooky wants us"

"All of us? Like me, ruby, and Jamal?" You ask

"Yeah all of us" Cesar says.

You get up and change into a red crop top and some baggy ripped jeans. You walk out of your bathroom and walk outside. They were already outside. You look at spookys car. Cesar gets in the back with Jamal and ruby. I have to sit in the front. You open the door and get in. You fiddle with your fingers hoping no one notices how red you are. Spooky doesn't talk. He just drives. He gets to his house and gets out.

"Y'all hungry?" He asks

Cesar looks a little mad, "you made us come here to ask us if we are hungry?"

You smile "I'm hungry"

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