Part 19: to the moon and back

Start from the beginning

"Hey, beautiful," he purrs, flashing her a million-watt smile. "Would you mind stashing this here for me? I don't really have five bucks."

She takes Sofie's jacket, making sure to brush Marko's fingertips with her own. He feigns a bashful chuckle. Sofie's fists clench instinctively.

"That's okay, handsome," she whispers. "I won't tell anyone."

He leans over the table and licks his lips. Sofie watches, intent on being incredibly jealous and intimidating, but Marko's mostly exposed abdomen distracts her and she practically whimpers at the sight of him. He's so fucking sexy, even if he's flirting with someone else.

"You're a lifesaver..." he whispers.

"Christa," the girl finishes. "I'm Christa."

Marko runs his finger gently across her wrist. Sofie can see the goosebumps rising on Christa's skin.

"Christa. Pretty name."

She flushes a deep crimson. Sofie resists the urge to roll her eyes as the girl passes him a ticket and presses it into his hand, making sure her fingers linger on his skin.

"You want me to take your coat, too?" The girl asks him, now twirling her long red hair around her finger. "It's pretty hot in there."

He chuckles.

Jesus, why don't you just fuck her, Marko?

She can't contain the jealousy shooting through her veins like poison. Marko glances over his shoulder and winks at her.

Relax, Sof. I've only got eyes for you.

Sofie bites back a smile.

"I'm okay, actually," he says to Christa. "I'll catch you later."

He backs up, snakes his arm around Sofie's waist, and winks at the girl in the booth who looks puzzled.

"I'm off soon!" she offers desperately.

Marko ignores her, nipping at Sofie's earlobe as they descend into the heart of the club. The music floods her ears and all she can smell is tequila and cigarette smoke as he pulls her close and licks a stripe up her neck. Sofie giggles and leans into him, inhaling his scent.

"You want a drink?" he asks. His lips brush her skin and she feels a wave of electricity rush through her.



"I could do tequila."


Within seconds, he's back with four shots of tequila. Sofie laughs.


"They were cheap. Drink."

He hands one to her, they clink glasses, and she tosses the liquor back, relishing the sting it leaves in the back of her throat. They toss back their second shot. Marko does it with ease, barely making a face. She coughs and laughs. He grins.

"I thought you could handle your liquor," he teases.

"I think there's a reason these are so cheap," she chuckles.


"Fuck yeah."

He kisses her on the cheek and disappears again. They go through two more rounds until they're giggly and practically falling all over each other. Being a vampire has certainly increased her tolerance for alcohol, but not by that much. Marko leans in and kisses up her neck. She sighs.

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