Part 17: Hearts a mess

Start from the beginning

"What was that for?"

"I love you," he whispers.

You could hear a pin drop. He looks so unbelievably vulnerable, like the wrong words uttered at the wrong time could shatter him completely. She's never seen him like this before. Everyone watches, slack-jawed with wide eyes... well, everyone except David. He's leaned against the doorway lighting a cigarette. Sofie grips the lapels of Marko's jacket and pulls him toward her. She presses her forehead against his.

"I love you too."

Marko's face lights up and he kisses her again. All of the air that had been sucked out of the room rushes back in as everyone breathes a collective sigh of relief. Matt, Kara, and Ben get back to work while Dwayne goes to check on Laddie, who is asleep in one of the booths. Marko wraps his arms around Sofie's waist and kisses her again, softly this time. Her lips tingle and a big smile spreads across her face.

Let's get out of here, she thinks.

Marko shakes his head. Sofie's jaw drops. She didn't think that would actually work. As she's about to let out a soft, excited squeal at the revelation of her new ability, she hears Marko's voice ringing in her head.

David and I have to talk to you. It's important.

She blinks as Marko takes her hand and leads her into the staff room, shutting the door behind them. David is sitting at the table holding a crumpled photograph in front of him. Marko gestures for her to sit and takes his place beside her. Sofie can't quite see the photo. David, yet again, is impossible to read. She looks to David, to Marko, and back again.

"What's going on?"

David slides the picture toward her and Sofie's blood runs cold. She knows it's her and Kevin, but the blonde girl with the shark-tooth grin smiling back at her feels like someone from another time, another universe. There are snippets of memories - screaming, sobbing, and covering bruises with long sleeves in the middle of the summer. It's only been three years since she slipped out of the apartment that they shared in the middle of the night and never looked back. Kevin never chased her. Until now. She should have known better. She feels Marko's hand on her knee.

"Where did you find this?"

"Underneath some smashed up chairs," David remarks. "He wanted you to find it."

She expects to feel fear, but the only thing bubbling in her chest is pure rage. He was here. He was here in her bar, destroying everything she and Matt had built.

"He killed Jim," Marko whispers. "David thinks he's a hunter."

Sofie stares at the photo. All she can feel is hot anger pulsing through her body.

"He tried to make it look like it was one of us, but his scent was all over Jim's apartment and it's all over the picture. The kinds of wounds he left... vampires don't do that."

David pulls on his cigarette and exhales sharply.

"We think he has friends and he's coming after you."

"And you," Sofie whispers.

David nods gravely and his eyes flick to Marko, who wraps an arm around her waist.

"We think you should stay with us."

"What about Ichabod?"

"Dwayne will pick him up," David replies.

"I don't want to lose my independence," Sofie whispers. "I like having my own space. No offense."

David gives a small shrug.

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